Apostasy has always been man's rebellious response against YHWH. Many examples of "falling away" from the true faith exists in antiquity with both AD and BC humanity. In this case, the subject of falling away, or "departing" (apostasy) in 2Thessalonians 2 is in direct reference and response to the subject matter, i.e., "DAY of the LORD", thus differentiating all other apostasy that has existed and directly linking this final apostasy to the immediate time of His Second Coming.
I have heard recent discussions regarding the interpretation of the term "APOSTASY", (falling away) FROM the faith, now being described as the, (catching away), RAPTURE of the Believer.
But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, (NOT JUST LAW), because these are unprofitable and useless". Titus 3:9 / Proverbs 18:2 / Titus 3:9 / 1 Timothy 1:4 / 1 Timothy 6:4-5 / James 4:1 / Proverbs 20:3 / 1 Corinthians 3:19-20 / Ephesians 4:14 / Colossians 2:8 / 1 Timothy 6:20-21/ Proverbs 26:4-5 / Romans 14:1 / 1 Corinthians 11:16 / 2 Peter 3:16.
The term; "APOSTASY", (falling away) FROM the faith, is the latest unnecessary "CONTROVERSY" to AVOID. The dispute simply has no biblical standing.
Evidence of the "apostasy", (FALLING AWAY FROM THE FAITH), is everywhere! One cannot fall away from something that one has NEVER adhered to. Think about it!
FALLING AWAY, is a "PASSIVE" term and is NOT the same as the "AGGRESSIVELY" and "RAPID" implication of the term "SNATCHING" away, (catching away), which is clearly "INSTANT" "RAPTURE" of the Believer!
This scripture is clearly instructing Believers what to look for BEFORE the Second Coming of Yeshua, which includes ALL prophetic fulfillment of scripture including the Rapture. - BOZUNG.
"But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless". Titus 3:9. The term; "APOSTASY", (falling away) FROM the faith, is the latest is unnecessary "CONTROVERSY" to AVOID. The dispute simply has no biblical standing.
Evidence of the "apostasy", (FALLING AWAY FROM THE FAITH), is everywhere! One cannot fall away from something that one has NEVER adhered to. Think about it! FALLING AWAY, is a "PASSIVE" term and is NOT the same as the "AGGRESSIVELY" and "RAPID" implication of the term "SNATCHING" away, (catching away), which is clearly "INSTANT" "RAPTURE" of the Believer!
This scripture is clearly instructing Believers what to look for BEFORE the Second Coming of Yeshua, which includes ALL prophetic fulfillment of scripture including the Rapture. - BOZUNG.
But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless.
That said, I believe that this "falling away" activity and behavior incorporates a level of unparalleled lawlessness that supports the "perfect" environment that is necessary to embrace the ultimate "lawless one”. The two “events” listed in this scripture appear to be necessarily irrevocably amalgamated.
“First the apostasy”, then, the “man of lawlessness”, (son of perdition). The second event cannot manifest until the first event manifests, perhaps to us, they may appear to be simultaneously, however, one precedes the other. No mistake here in the sequence and critical to the final outcome.
That said, this apostasy will be the absolute worst manifestation of rebellion against YHWH, and cause the “world” to embrace the devil, anti-Christ and will likely incorporate many deceptions including “alien-human inception and deity claims.
Considering scripture, I cannot distinguish the difference between Jew & Gentile when it comes to the True "faith". True Faith is exclusively based on embracing Messiah Yeshua. Some have misinterpreted 2 Thessalonians 2 to be describing the apostasy of Israel.
IF the reference to “apostasy”, (falling away) described in this scripture 2 Thessalonians 2 refers exclusively to the Jew, then it infers that Israel, as a people, (Jew), has embraced Messiah, Yeshua and will “depart” from the True faith in the “Day of the Lord. It also dismisses the fact that Israel has been in various states of apostasy since the days of Yeshua and was frequently rebellious against YHWH in antiquity. One has to already be IN THE FAITH, to fall away from FAITH. This scripture is referring to the "true faith", NOT faith in general so it cannot refer exclusively to the apostate Jew.
The non-believing Jew must already be 'IN THE TRUE FAITH" in order to "FALL AWAY FROM THE true FAITH" which we know is not true, thus another interpretation based on the desperate desire to escape what is coming…
"I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, (referring to the "RAPTURE'), shall he find FAITH on the earth"? Luke 18:8.
2 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come.
3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the APOSTASY occurs (first) AND the “man of lawlessness”, (son of perdition), is “revealed”, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God. 2 Thessalonians 2. - BOZUNG.
In 2015, I wrote and published that the false prophet, of Revelation, Francis of Rome launched the global apostate church and that persecution of those who refuse to follow NEW coercive "COMANDATES" (politically correct doctrines) of the “church of the Beast” that "replace the original Ten Commandments will be ostracized from global society and experience great tribulation and persecutions attempting to live, work, eat and sustain their lives.
Nov 13, 2022, on Mount Sinai, FRANCIS of Rome will initiate "TEN NEW COMMANDMENTS"!!! (COP 27 UN Climate Conference).
I wrote that the apostate church was “BORN” on Pentecost of 2014 when Francis met with global religious leaders Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople (Eastern, also known as Greek, Orthodox), Lutheran Bishop Munib Younan (who is a Palestinian and is also president of the Lutheran World Federation, and various Muslim, Jewish and Druze religious figures, including Rabbi Abraham Skorka and Omar Abboud offering inter-religious dialogue as a solution to political matters.
Francis' subsequent mass meetings in America during his visit in which a myriad of spirits” was released into the crowds who then proceeded to return home and dispatch demon agents in their respective communities to unify the global religion of death and hell.
In 2017, the protestant reformation celebrated 500 years. False prophet Francis of Rome plans Pentecost celebrations with Charismatics and Pentecostals in a follow-up to his “un-holy union” with Kenneth Copeland in 2014 during a Charismatic Evangelical Leadership Conference hosted by Copeland where Tony Palmer, an Anglican bishop representing Francis who appeared at the conference on a giant TV screen said: “The protest is over”, and emphasized that “unity with the Catholic Church is divine” and “division is diabolical”, (see the video).
The audience of many charismatic Christian leaders embraced this message and was followed by False prophet Francis’ visit with Joel Osteen, James Robison, Copeland and other protestants in June of 2014. These apostate gatherings were subsequently followed by Francis’ visit to the United States in 2015 at which time Rick Warren was a keynote speaker in Philadelphia’s “World Meeting of Families” in September of 2015 that was sponsored by the “Holy See's Pontifical Council for the Family”, is the world's largest Catholic gathering of families.
Keep in mind that Jesus said that “I did NOT come to bring “UNITY” but rather “DIVISION” … Luke 12:51 / Matthew 10:34 / Luke 12:49-53.
This global apostasy BEGAN to take “center stage” on Friday, September 25th, 2015 at 6 p.m., when the false prophet Francis held a massive religious ceremony @ Madison Square Garden.
The Pope is the religious persona of the new world order (BEAST), whereas the man of LAWLESSNESS who IS anti-Christ, is the very son of Perdition himself, the “political persona” of the new world order, (BEAST). Both men are the “Agents of Hell” leaders of the final Gentile World Empire biblical scripture identify as the “BEAST System”.
The false prophet is a "type" of "John the Baptist" to the 'false christ", (anti-Christ), who, like the Baptist "john", was to announce or declare the arrival of "the one who comes after him)!!!!! This “man” IS “pointing the way to the man of Perdition.
Francis, the false prophet of Revelation will then claim that "lawless one", the "anti-Christ" is indeed god. This obamanation WILL ultimately make the world desolate.
When the false prophet launches the global apostate church, persecution of those who refuse to follow the coercive "Comandates" politically correct doctrines of the “church of the Beast” that "replace the original Ten Commandments will be ostracized from global society and experience great tribulation and persecutions attempting to live, work, eat and sustain their lives.
The prophetic purpose of Francis is to use his global religious influence to “appear” to heal the wounds of “Genocide” and remove a religious level of contention that exists between the peoples of the Mideast. Francis will then fade into the subservient position of overseer of global ‘spiritual” matters of the NWO, as the political leader of anti-Christ fame rises to global prominence.
As it was spoken, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:22-30. This prophetic scenario will be fulfilled in short order. Francis has the appearance, “like a lamb” with two horns and will however, share the same space in Hell as the Beast, Revelation 20:10.
Political leaders will then succeed where they have failed in the past and finally achieve this covenant of Hell and Death, Isaiah 28:15.
The “missing ingredient” to achieve this doomed “covenant” that obfuscates the Covenant of Jehovah, has always been the “religious component” that addresses the fundamental underlying cause of bitter dissension that consumes the Mideast factions who are involved in the process to pursue a solution.
This one factor alone has been unceremoniously dismissed by global politicians who cannot engage in any significant dialog that represents necessary comprehensive “answers” to the “deep seeded” hatred that exists between the Islamic factions and their enemy Israel. It is for this very reason that ALL other political attempts to “solve” the Mideast crisis have failed! NOT THIS TIME!
Enter, the “prophet of deception and illusion”. The purpose of Francis is to introduce the religious component to the equation using his religious authority of unparallel spiritual deception to successfully resolve most objections raised against religious contention and “prepare the way” for the anti-Christ “political” solution for Mideast peace between Israel and Islam.
Since the point of contention of the various factions in the Mideast is centered in the religious implications of the Divine property “rights” (land), it is the religious intervention component that will finally and deceptively lay the false foundation for “peace” in the Mideast. In certainty, Believers understand that only Covenant governing Israeli land assignment is the Covenant of Abraham, the “everlasting Covenant” of exclusivity promised to the legitimate lineage of Abraham, which are Isaac and Jacob.
Remember, the Bible declares that there are two (2) persons who rise to global leadership, one who is the anti-Christ “political” individual and the other an individual “like a lamb” with two horns, a “religious” leader, the “MISSING COMPONANT” of political success to rule the nations. Revelation 13:12
And he exercises all the power of the first beast before him”. The second beast is expressly designated as standing in the relation of servitude to the first: Revelation 3:9.
12. He exerciseth Doeth: the sense is, he does all that the Dragon has given the Beast power or authority to do. Before him, (When he is in the physical presence of the anti-Christ). The relationship of the False Prophet to the Beast is nearly the same as that of Aaron to Moses, Exodus 4:16; Exodus 7:9 / 1 Kings 17:1.
13 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, .... Of the beast is given, so as to show the infinite wisdom of God, and to exercise the .... Of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of the beast, ... …14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of the beast... Revelation 13.
“Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon.
And he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life.
And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone”. Revelation 13:11.
And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. Revelation 20:10.
NOT the LAST DAYS ... but rather the LAST “THROWS of DEATH” to this PRESENT WORLD SYSTEM.
THE WORK OF FRANCIS” - ISRAEL 2014 - 2029 (MMXVII) / Year 5783 - "Maximus / Maximus", (Psalm 90:10 Rule of Interpretation Applies). 2018 WAS 70yrs, end of 2028 IS 80yrs total.
The relationship of the False Prophet to the anti-Christ (Beast), is a perverted version of that of John the Baptist to Jesus found in John 3:22-36. John the Baptist announced that he was NOT the promised ONE and pointed men to Jesus and shortly afterward was killed. The False Prophet will point to the man of lawlessness, son of perdition, the anti-Messiah (Christ) and proclaim him to be god... he will be cast along with anti-Christ and Satan into fire at the Return of Christ.
The False prophet of Revelation’s Itinerary began September 27 2015 in Washington, D.C., and ended in the City of Philadelphia. Multiple world changing occurrences were "birthed" during this "visitation" by the "Agent of Darkness".
PENTECOST – On the Day of Pentecost June 8, 2014 - THE NEW APOSTATE GLOBAL CHURCH WAS "BORN"!
This apostate church was BORN and COMMISSIONED, on the day of Pentecost June 8th 2014, when Francis “gathered together in one place” two presidents, global religious leaders Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople (Eastern, also known as Greek, Orthodox), Lutheran Bishop Munib Younan (who is a Palestinian and is also president of the Lutheran World Federation, and various Muslim, Jewish and Druze religious figures, including Rabbi Abraham Skorka and Omar Abboud offering inter-religious dialogue as a solution to political matters.
During this Pentecost event, the false prophet Francis asked believers of all religions to join in prayer, marking the first time that Jewish, Christian and Islamic prayers were held in the tiny city state that is the headquarters of the 1.2 billion-member Roman Catholic Church.
At the Vatican: Patriarch Bartholomew read in English from the Book of Isaiah: “The wolf and the lamb shall feed together”. A perverted twist of scripture to deceive apostates everywhere to join this “church of Hell, as the wolf and lamb attempt to “DINE” together, the WOLF WILL EAT THE IGNORANT DISOBEDIENT LAMB WHO DID NOT STAY WITH THE “SHEPHARD”!
Note: this scripture will not be fulfilled until the millennium. Isaiah 11:6.
THE SWORD of ISLAM is the "ENFORCER" of the "son of perdition", (anti-Christ).
John writes in Revelation a description of this entity and the sphere of influence that “it” has over mankind until the Return of Yeshua and the establishment of His Kingdom upon the earth.
John defines the uniqueness of each horse, (principality) and how each entity wreaks havoc on the earth as the direct consequence of sin.
The depiction of four HORSES is defined by distinct and individual “principalities” who rule over the human race. The “RIDER” of each HORSE is the SAME individual. It IS the “spirit of anti-Christ”, who “WORKS INIQUITY IN THE EARTH”. 2 Thessalonians 2:7.
The (SONS of ENMITY) between the seed of Abraham’s Jacob of (YHWH) and Ishmael, (seed of rebellion) of (SATAN), has ALWAYS been present since the formation of the Abrahamic “Covenant.
This ENMITY clash will climax in this generation. The SEED of this ENMITY was present in the Garden! “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Genesis 3:15. “
“And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. And I looked, and behold a pale green horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth”. Revelation 6:7-8.
The... CCR Golden Jubilee ... “Reformation 2017”.
In 2017, the protestant reformation celebrated 500 years. False prophet Francis of Rome plans Pentecost celebrations with Charismatics and Pentecostals in a follow-up to his “un-holy union” with Kenneth Copeland in 2014 during a Charismatic Evangelical Leadership Conference hosted by Copeland where Tony Palmer, an Anglican bishop representing Francis who appeared at the conference on a giant TV screen said: “The protest is over”, and emphasized that “unity with the Catholic Church is divine” and “division is diabolical”, (see the video).
The audience of many charismatic Christian leaders embraced this message and was followed by False prophet Francis’ visit with Joel Osteen, James Robison, Copeland and other protestants in June of 2014. These apostate gatherings were subsequently followed by Francis’ visit to the United States in 2015 at which time Rick Warren was a keynote speaker in Philadelphia’s “World Meeting of Families” in September of 2015 that was sponsored by the “Holy See's Pontifical Council for the Family”, is the world's largest Catholic gathering of families.
Keep in mind that Jesus said that “I did NOT come to bring “UNITY” but rather “DIVISION” … Luke 12:51 / Matthew 10:34 / Luke 12:49-53.
In 2015, I wrote that the apostate church was “BORN” on Pentecost of 2014 when Francis met with global religious leaders Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople (Eastern, also known as Greek, Orthodox), Lutheran Bishop Munib Younan (who is a Palestinian and is also president of the Lutheran World Federation, and various Muslim, Jewish and Druze religious figures, including Rabbi Abraham Skorka and Omar Abboud offering inter-religious dialogue as a solution to political matters. Francis' subsequent mass meetings in America during his visit in which a myriad of spirits” was released into the crowds who then proceeded to return home and dispatch demon agents in their respective communities to unify the global religion of death and hell.
2018 will see the apostate church be captured by the world under the leadership of Francis as the Global political Beast of Revelation RETURNS from EXILE to the approval of world politics to begin his years of “reign of terror” by the hand of the Islamic Sword”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4WNnx24sUA
MARK THESE WORDS, they are not my own.
Pope Francis uses the term "human failure" in an attempt to justify his statement "the failure of the cross", PAY CLOSE ATTENTION... "he speaks as like a Dragon". Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon”. Revelation 13:11. This abominable statement was conceived in the mind of Hell itself. In the Pope’s own words: TRUTH lies in the eye of the beholder... SOUNDS REASONABLE, RIGHT? ... THINK ABOUT I!
1) The Believer sees Jesus on the cross as fulfilling the Promise of the Messiah, Isaiah 53. Remember the thieves that hung next to Him on that cross, eye witnesses.
One of these men, WHO WAS THERE, in the midst of what appeared to be human failure and weakness RECOGNIZED THE "TRUTH", THAT JESUS WAS INDEED THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD.
2) The NON-Believer sees Jesus on the cross as a failure. The "OTHER" thief's perspective ended in his demise. THESE WERE TWO EYEWITNESSES. Others there mocked Jesus saying "IF YOUR GOD COME DOWN OFF THE CROSS" and yet the thief in reality, there was NO human failure in the Cross. There was human suffering the SUCCESSFUL “Divine Plan” that was prophesied and fulfilled Isaiah 53.
There can be NO justification for Francis STATEMENT. "NO sympathy for the Devil"!
Ask yourself ... Would you ever make this statement? Think about it. This IS exactly what THE APOSTATE cHURCH will propagate.
Jesus Christ was RAISED UP IN HIS HUMAN FLESHLY BODY... Where is the failure? This is great deception TO DECEIVE the world in these last days to follow a "man" into perdition.
Prepare for more words of deception. Words that have double, triple meaning, hidden phrases. Words that twist the truth, sound good however leave more questions in the mind of the lost and innocent. THE FALSE PROPHET WILL SOON PERFORM INCREDIBLE "ACTS" THAT WILL DEFILE MEN AND LEAD BILLIONS TO HELL. - BOZUNG
“You know how to discern the face of the sky but you cannot discern the signs of the times." "Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter"!
Daniel explains: “Many will cleanse themselves and whiten themselves and will be refined. And the wicked ones will certainly act wickedly and no wicked ones at all will understand but the ones having insight will understand. This "man" will be revealed and destroyed at Jesus Christ's return.
A Believer who is attentive to prophetic details of biblical scripture knows the identity of the “man of lawlessness” who is anti-Christ. This is the hour of prophetic fulfillment when THE anti-Christ will be permitted to commit "the abomination of desolation".
The Believer has successfully restrained the spirit of anti-Christ with "TRUTH" to this moment in human history. It is at this time that TRUTH is "TAKEN OUT" of the "Way” and has been replaced with the GREAT LIE of APOSTASY by faithless and deceived men in these final days of "falling away"! 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
TO RESTRAIN: is to confine; detain; imprison; keep in check; control; restrict; limit; curtail; inhibit; hold back; pin down.
The "WAY" is established in Truth. Who IS the Word of God and the Truth is administered on earth by the Believer under the Authority of the Name of Jesus the Christ and is affected by Michael the Chief warrior of Jehovah, Who engages in battle with principalities and powers spiritual forces of "WICKEDNESS" in heavenly places”.
When the TRUTH is TAKEN “out of the WAY” (REPLACED) by those who choose to follow APOSTASY then the corrupted “church” has united with anti-CHRIST and there is no longer the RESTRAINT against the “mystery of iniquity”! THIS IS THAT HOUR! “Mark these words”!
It is at this moment in history when the "restraint" of TRUTH is maligned by the "mystery of iniquity" as Francis the false prophet of Rome has organized the global apostasy and has replaced IN THE MINDS and HEART of “christians” "another gospel", a counterfeit to THE "WAY" the TRUTH and the LIFE Who IS our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The mystery of iniquity' IS the ultimate counterfeit TO 'the mystery of Godliness'. It is the “Great Lie” of the “APOSTASY” that is embraced by those who had followed the “WAY” and have now forsaken the TRUTH. These with their reprobate hearts will follow the counterfeit “way” of the anti-Christ and his false prophet.
Because the restraining authority of the Truth, (Jesus) IS being "taken "out of the Way", (FAITH), the "man of lawlessness" will NOW be revealed to the world!!! "They have replaced the truth with a lie for this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie" Romans 1:25 / 2 Thessalonians 2:11.
“the mystery of Godliness” is the great Truth of God manifested in the Person of the Christ Who IS the “WAY”. Hebrews 1:1-2. When the Truth is taken “OUT of the WAY” by those who believe the lie “that judgment will come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness”.
The (TRUTH) that RESTRAINS LAWLESSNESS has been TAKEN OUT of the “WAY” (Yeshua)… “I Am the WAY” – Jesus Christ. The Church has been hijacked by the mystery of iniquity. The “WAY” has been deviously “REDIRECTED” by apostasy.
For the 'The mystery of iniquity' (mystery of lawlessness) is already at work but the TRUTH who now RESTRAINS “IT” (LAWLESSNESS) continues to RESTRAIN until “TRUTH is “taken “OUT” of the “WAY”. “And you know “WHAT” (TRUTH) is now restraining him (anti-Christ) so that (anti-Christ) will be revealed, (manifested) at the proper time".
… “every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the anti-Christ which you have heard is coming and is already in the world at this time. You little children are from God and have overcome them because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.… And l Am with you always seven unto the end of the world”. Amen.
“These are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. What we have received is not the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God so that we may understand what God has freely given us”.
“Do you not remember that I told you these things while I was still with you”? Jesus saith unto him I Am the WAY the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me. By this you will know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God Now judgment is upon this world now the prince of this world will be cast out. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places”.
“As for you were dead in your trespasses and sins in which you used to walk when you conformed to the ways of this world and of the ruler of the power of the air the spirit who is now at work in the sons of disobedience” (LAWLESSNESS).
What is 'the mystery of Godliness'? It is the great Truth of God manifestation of the Person of the Christ the “WAY”. Hebrews 1:1-2. When the TRUTH and the LIFE is TAKEN OUT OF THE “WAY” by men then the APOSTASY will support the wayward way of anti-CHRIST and he will be MANIFESTED upon the earth! – “THIS IS THAT”! – BOZUNG
Isaiah 5:20 / John 14:61 / Corinthians 2:10-16 / Matthew 28:20 / John 12:312 Thessalonians 2:11 / Ephesians 6:12 / Ephesians 2:22 / Thes. 2:6-8 / Daniel 12:10 / Isaiah 5:20.
This global apostasy BEGAN to take “center stage” on Friday, September 25th, 2015 at 6 p.m., when the false prophet Francis held a massive religious ceremony @ Madison Square Garden.
The Pope is the religious persona of the new world order (BEAST), whereas the man of LAWLESSNESS who IS anti-Christ, is the very son of Perdition himself, the “political persona” of the new world order, (BEAST). Both men are the “Agents of Hell” leaders of the final Gentile World Empire biblical scripture identified as the “BEAST System”
The false prophet is a "type" of "John the Baptist" to the 'false christ", (anti-Christ), who, like the Baptist "john", was to announce or declare the arrival of "the one who comes after him)!!!!! This “man” IS “pointing the way to the man of Perdition.
Francis, the false prophet of Revelation will then claim that "lawless one", the "anti-Christ" is indeed god. This obamanation WILL ultimately make the world desolate.
When the false prophet launches the global apostate church, persecution of those who refuse to follow the coercive "Comandates" politically correct doctrines of the “church of the Beast” that "replace the original Ten Commandments will be ostracized from global society and experience great tribulation and persecutions attempting to live, work, eat and sustain their lives.
The prophetic purpose of Francis is to use his global religious influence to “appear” to heal the wounds of “Genocide” and remove a religious level of contention that exists between the peoples of the Mideast. Francis will then fade into the subservient position of overseer of global ‘spiritual” matters of the NWO, as the political leader of anti-Christ fame rises to global prominence.
As it was spoken, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:22-30. This prophetic scenario will be fulfilled in short order. Francis has the appearance, “like a lamb” with two horns and will however, share the same space in Hell as the Beast, Revelation 20:10.
Political leaders will then succeed where they have failed in the past and finally achieve this covenant of Hell and Death, Isaiah 28:15.
The “missing ingredient” to achieve this doomed “covenant” that obfuscates the Covenant of Jehovah, has always been the “religious component” that addresses the fundamental underlying cause of bitter dissension that consumes the Mideast factions who are involved in the process to pursue a solution.
This one factor alone has been unceremoniously dismissed by global politicians who cannot engage in any significant dialog that represents necessary comprehensive “answers” to the “deep seeded” hatred that exists between the Islamic factions and their enemy Israel. It is for this very reason that ALL other political attempts to “solve” the Mideast crisis have failed! NOT THIS TIME!
Enter, the “prophet of deception and illusion”. The purpose of Francis is to introduce the religious component to the equation using his religious authority of unparallel spiritual deception to successfully resolve most objections raised against religious contention and “prepare the way” for the anti-Christ “political” solution for Mideast peace between Israel and Islam.
Since the point of contention of the various factions in the Mideast is centered in the religious implications of the Divine property “rights” (land), it is the religious intervention component that will finally and deceptively lay the false foundation for “peace” in the Mideast. Certainly, Believers understand that only Covenant governing Israeli land assignment is the Covenant of Abraham, the “everlasting Covenant” of exclusivity promised to the legitimate lineage of Abraham, which are Isaac and Jacob.
Remember, the Bible declares that there are two (2) persons who rise to global leadership, one who is the anti-Christ “political” individual and the other an individual “like a lamb” with two horns, a “religious” leader, the “MISSING COMPONANT” of political success to rule the nations. Revelation 13:12 –
And he exercises all the power of the first beast before him”. The second beast is expressly designated as standing in the relation of servitude to the first: Revelation 3:9.
12. He exerciseth Doeth: the sense is, he does all that the Dragon has given the Beast power or authority to do. Before him, (When he is in the physical presence of the anti-Christ). The relationship of the False Prophet to the Beast is nearly the same as that of Aaron to Moses, Exodus 4:16; Exodus 7:9 / 1 Kings 17:1.
13 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, .... Of the beast is given, so as to show the infinite wisdom of God, and to exercise the .... Of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of the beast, ... …14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of the beast... Revelation 13.
“Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke as a dragon.
And he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life.
And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image; these two were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone”. Revelation 13:11.
And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. Revelation 20:10.
Remember: Vs. 3 “Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. 4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; 6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. 7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked”. Psalm 91. Walk in it!
“EMPATHY and TOLERANCE” - Is NO substitution for "REPENTANCE". "The church has fed on leaven for an extended period of time and has become confused and sick..." "He the (Pope) has made the church more "inclusive", not trying to make it smaller but trying to make it larger to take EVERYBODY in that really resonates with me...." Joel Osteen".... "TRYING TO TAKE IN EVERYBODY"!!!
"Therefore, hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it. Isaiah". 5:14.
The church has fed on leaven for an extended period of time and has become confused and sick. As a direct result of a diet of putrefied "FLUFF", apostasy reigns inside the church and men have turned to "doctrines of demons". This issue is not to be defined by the minds of men who will choose human logic over Divine providence and evaluate human practices on the bases of corruptible love and carnal reasoning.
These "christians have followed after men’s teachings that have successfully diminishes the purposes of the Creator by adopting perverted ideals that incorporate the practice of "forgiveness" with NO repentance, A RELIGION BASED ON EMPATHY, TOLERANCE, FEELINGS and HUMAN LOGIC. Political correctness requires NO repentance and promotes acts of "tolerance", a "buzz" word that most christians have erroneously adapted into their faithless language and have substituted for genuine Agape "love", His kind of love that requires repentance from sin in order to receive forgiveness.
The church has fallen prey to end time deception, dismissing sin as a mere inconvenient consequence to the challenges of life. In fact, the church is in the midst of the end time apostasy that will overtake most people upon the earth prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself warned of this condition as did Paul and others. We have failed to heed these warnings and are now suffering increasing persecution for taking the Biblical stand against what has become an epidemic of the perversion of truth, a cancer that is infecting both society and the church at large.
God's Grace is "SUFFICIENT" for His people. Grace is His Divine Ability to "overcome" these life challenges. Grace is NOT a "permit" to live in sin. The fact that you have been "redeemed from the curse of the law", Galatians 3:13, does NOT exempt man from the consequences of the law when men continue to practice sin. “And such were some of you.
“What God has CLEANSED ... Let NO MAN consider UNCLEAN”, Acts 10:15, a biblical statement that is clearly emphasizing THE STATE OF THE “REPENTED SOUL” and NOT intended to define new dietary practices. The proclamation of men to justify a sinful lifestyle by claiming grace and favor regardless of behavior simply exhibits a state of complete ignorance of scripture or the most defiant act of disobedience.
There is simply nothing to exempt man from acknowledging and repentance of his sin in order to receive His forgiveness. Believers must pray for the deliverance of individuals who are enslaved to sin. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God”. 1 Corinthians 6:11. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having "ITCHING", (ONLY PLEASANT THINGS), ears; 2 Timothy 4:3.
Joel Osteen opposes gay marriage, but he doesn’t want his Christian ministry defined by his stance on the contentious social issue. When asked by HuffPost Live host Marc Lamont Hill whether gay marriage is “against the rules,” Osteen, pastor at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, said he believes it is.
But the famed preacher offered an important caveat. “It would be … but I don’t really focus on a lot of those things,” Osteen said. “I try to stay in my lane of what I feel called to do. [The topic] does come up in interviews and things … that’s not my core message.” Osteen explained that his core message is helping people let go of their pasts, reach their dreams, have a healthy self-image and raise good children. While homosexuality is part of addressing life issues, the pastor said he doesn’t want to be defined by his views on the issue.
“Everybody’s welcome, but my take on it is, you know, it’s easy to make one issue — to become known for that or to let it side-track your message,” he said. “If you look at our congregation. We all have issues, everybody’s on a journey.”
“Itching Ears & Massaging Minds” ... "The Boat Is Rocking" - Most “christians” here in America are not concerned about persecution, after all there is no personal conflict of conscience that violates issues of doctrine and political correctness, as both ideas are compatible in the life of a reprobate and embrace diversity and tolerance. These “christians” erroneously believe that they safely hide in a pew, silent inside the "church" and remain invisible, “off the radar” of anti-Christ.
These “christians” do not concern themselves with opposing heresy in the “church” and are attracted to teachers who have perfected the art of “itching ears” and “massaging minds” with “pleasant ideas” that do not require the acknowledgement of sin and necessary repentance from immoral practices.
These sleeping, self-deluded sheeple have already chosen “whom they will serve”, many religiously following the leaders of global apostasy lead by a pack of wolves that include Argentinian Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, (Pope Francis, False Prophet of Revelation), Kenneth Copeland, John Osteen, Jan Crouch, Rick Warren, Mark Batterson, Rick Bell and scores of other “goats” who have opened the deep throat of Hell to as many as receive them. "Therefor hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it. Isaiah". 5:14.
Today’s wolves espouse the Words of Jesus, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”, recorded in Luke 23:34, as an expression of unaccountability of behavior and proof of an “ALL INCLUSIVNESS” religion without any required act of acknowledgment and repentance to partake in His acceptable sacrifice.
How is it that men who seek the things of this earth concern themselves with the things of the Kingdom of Heaven and eternal matters? Francis, Copeland, Osteen and many other apostate “church” leaders teach that all people, regardless of “Christ”, belong to the “church”. Copeland teaches, we are ALL catholic, doctrine is NOT important, unity is important... Diversity is Divine and Division is Diabolical”, Osteen agrees with Francis that the “church” is to become larger to take EVERYBODY in", when Jesus Himself said,
“Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division", Luke 12:51. "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword", Matthew 10:34"
"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”, Hebrews 4:12.
The “World” loves the False Prophet Francis, Rick Warren, Copeland, Osteen and others whose message is all inclusive, non-threatening, self-indulgence and without the call for repentance from sin as the necessary act that leads any man to forgives and Salvation in Christ Jesus. Oprah loves Joel because of his “non-threatening” message of all-inclusiveness.
How will men know of the “eternal” value of redemption if sin is portrayed by wolves as an "inconvenient human trait" that interferes with a lifestyle of self-serving, self-abased decadence, fortune, pleasure and fame.... POPPYCOCK!
The apostate church will avoid any sense of guilt associated with behavior and claim godliness as evidenced by the lack or minimization of discomfort, hunger and “unpleasant circumstances”, rather than a personal proclamation of Christ as Savior and His grace to assist us in our stand against immoral behavior in our own lives, (repentance) and then public denunciation of sin in the face of religious political correctness. Instead, these religious leaders have chosen avoidance rather than taking a stand regarding sin for fear of offending the world and their wayward congregations and have contributed to the evil that now plagues the world and the “church”. Such a compromising position by “christians”, will ensure an eternal separation from the Creator that occurs when man seeks “the things of this world” rather than the Kingdom of God.
18"If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19"If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. 20"Remember the word that I said to you, 'A slave is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also.… John 15:18-25
Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life”, John 12:25.
The boat is rocking and if your intention is to not “rock the boat” with controversy and remain silent with no public testimony that opposes the absolute heretical path that many “church” leaders have chosen to take, you too have gone the way of “goats” and are in danger of suffering the way of sinners and scoffers who defend the abhorrent and corrupt direction of political correctness and has sealed the inevitable destruction and judgment of global society.
"SUNDAY LAW" - I first heard of the term "Sunday law" watching the Ark of Covenant Wyatt videos. I also thought this was likely a legalistic Seventh Day Adventist issue, though I am not certain that Wyatt was an Adventists. Any way this term inspired research into its meaning. I discovered that Pope Sylvester (314–335) during the days of Emperor Constantine circumvented the Jewish "Sabbath” day, and created a "LAW" to designate an official "governmental day of worship", as opposed to a time, in which early Believers would gather together on the first day of the week, according to scriptures .
The difference here is that a "law" was enacted by the Roman Catholic "church" to mandate a day of worship, with consequences if not adhered to. Now this would appear to be a benign act by religion, except that this law remains to this day and will now govern the "global apostate church" in order to ensure compliance to government sanctioned religious activity. The same "holy see", (Papal) directive that enacted this " Sunday" Law by designating a specific day to "worship "god", will now enforce this law with consequence in the near future.
Now comes the "rub". The false prophet will have absolute leadership jurisdiction over this global apostate church. The false prophet will authorize ALL "church" functions. The term "church", as in global government recognized church, will literally mean "sanctioned church", not to be opposed by any. We know that the "church" will consist of "members" willing to compromise the 10 commandments of Jehovah God, having "no other gods before Him" idol worship and thou shalt not kill etc., in exchange for politically correct commandments that will be recognized and approved by this "church" and its' leader. The participants of this official "church" will be the only "christians" allowed to meet together as a church. All others who claim to belong to the "church" and do not comply with the "law" of the church will be opposed by both the false prophet and the anti-Christ.
Now other faiths too, I.e. Islam, Hindu, Buddhist, etc., will follow the "politically correct commandments" that are promoted and enforced by the false prophet. There will be no rejection of these new commandments by other faiths, which regularly practice idol worship, follow other gods and even participate in killings by the sword.
So in the very near future as the global apostate "church" meets on Sunday in public, true Believers will assemble and worship in private, in secret, "underground", as the false prophet enforces the official designated day to worship "god", under "Sunday law", as the official, sanctioned, demonstrated method to show allegiance to anti-Christ. If you don't worship anti-Christ... You are considered a non-person, not entitled, non-compliant, worthy of death.
There are two (2) people groups conspicuously missing from Sunday law participation and I am NOT talking about Seventh Day Adventists! The first group of persons who will refuse to worship the Beast and comply with Sunday law are true Believers, the second people group of course are the Jews, and thus the connection between the Jew and Christian, as in true Believer will have come full circle.
Because of my research into this, I now understand the significance of the public exhibition of the original 10 commandments that were found inside the Ark of the Covenant discovered by Ron Wyatt in the 1980s that will be brought out and put on public display during the reign of the anti-Christ. I understand Ron's reference to the "Sunday Law", the anti-Christ and the mark of the Beast that are referenced on these archived video tapes of his discovery. During the time of the false prophet apostate church and anti-Christ government these 10 commandments will be a testimony to the world of Jehovah's Word and a testimony against vile apostate politically correct commandments. This will be a powerful testament to the Jews and to the world that the Word of God is true and many will refuse the mark of the Beast, surrender to Christ and lose their heads by the sword of Islam, the weapon of choice of anti-Christ.
Know this, that the term "church" will no longer describe the assembly of the True Believer. The Vatican has hijacked the term "church" for the new global apostate religion; the Roman Catholic church will represent ALL "sanctioned" so called christian activity. This is apparent from the recent statements of heretical church leaders who have given themselves over to the apostasy as evident by publicly stated heresy during the recent Kenneth Copeland annual minister's convention, and reinforced by Joel Osteen, when the guest speaker stated; "the protest", referring to Luther's reformation, is over... The protest is over ... WE ARE ALL CATHOLIC NOW", as the minister's audience applauded the notion.
SO YOU SEE that in the final hours, the true Believer, the "congregation", the assembly will meet together in private, secret while the "global church" will rise up and be hailed by the false prophet as the legitimate church that meets on Sunday in public and worships the Beast's image on large screens and adheres to the new commandments receives a "mark", of the system in acknowledgement of individual allegiance to anti-Christ allowing access and participation in global commerce.
Religion then politics seems to be the order today as evidenced by the pope’s call for prayer for peace last Sunday at the Vatican. Once "religious" issues are addressed the political will fall into place and the covenant of Hell and Death in the Mideast will be signed. Perhaps this pattern too will have something to do with the implementation of the mark of the Beast... Religion first then the "mark". Religion, then political...
"Apostate Leaders and their followers who Defend the Devil - Emergent Evangelicalism"
Rick Warren who partnered with Brian McLaren to forward and promote the book "The Emergent Church" collaborated ...with author and well-known Christian speaker Brian McLaren who led a commitment ceremony for his homosexual son Trevor Douglas McLaren and his same-sex partner Owen Patrick Ryan this past Saturday.
According to a Christianity Today blog, the ceremony was held in Chevy Chase, Maryland at the Audobon Naturalist Society after the couple's formal wedding, which was held in Washington D. C. Earlier in the day. The New York Times reported the commitment ceremony contained "traditional Christian elements."
When we observe the actions of Brian McLaren once again, we should not be surprised. Brian McLaren, author of A New Kind of Christian and a prominent Christian speaker, and formerly the chair of the board for Sojourners, is among a minority of evangelical progressives who advocate that the church should abandon heterosexism and move toward reconciliation with homosexuals.
CT has previously covered Brian McLaren, including reviews of his book Everything Must Change and The Secret Message of Jesus, and the emergent church, with which McLaren has been associated.
Homosexuality is a rapidly growing trend within the CCM movement. It is not a new thing, but formerly it was fairly hidden.
In the 1997 edition of The Gospel Sound, which first appeared in 1971, Anthony Heilbut said, "The gospel church has long been a refuge for gays and lesbians, some of whom grew up to be among the greatest singers and musicians".
In 1998 gospel star Kirk Franklin said that "homosexuality ... Is a problem today in gospel music--a major concern--and everybody knows it" (Church Boy, PP. 49, 50).
More recently Douglas Harrison, a homosexual who grew up Southern Baptist, said, "... You can't swing a Dove Award without hitting upon evidence of the longstanding, deep-set presence of queer experience in, and its influence on, Christian music culture at all levels? ("Come Out from among Them," Religion Dispatches, April 30, 2010).
James Cleveland’s (the "King of Gospel") homosexuality was an "open secret" and he died of AIDS.
Marsha Stevens, who wrote the popular song "For Those Tears I Died" and has been called "the mother of Contemporary Christian Music", was one of the first to come out of the closet. In 1979 she divorced her husband of seven years by whom she had two children, because she had 'fallen in love" with a woman. Stevens and her lesbian partner formed Balm Ministries (Born Again Lesbian Music) through which they produce praise and worship albums and conduct training seminars. Christian Century called her "a Jesus-loving, Bible-believing, God-fearing lesbian Christian".
Stevens' ministry is recommended by Mark Powell, Professor of New Testament, Trinity Lutheran Seminary, and the author of An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Christian Music. He states: "The Mother of Contemporary Christian Music continues to capture hearts for Jesus. Argue interpretations of Scripture and debate the ethics and origins of homosexuality all you want--no one with sensitivity to things of the Spirit can deny God is using Marsha Stevens to bring the love and mercy of Christ to people whom God apparently has not forgotten".
This is a description of the "spirituality" that is paving the way for the antichrist. It is the spirituality of the emerging church. It is a spirituality that is non-dogmatic and non-judgmental. It is not based on the absolute literal teaching of Scripture but on the ephemeral feeling of the fallen human heart.
Stevens claims to have been saved in 1969 when she was a teenager. This is how her salvation is described at her website:
In 1969, Marsha Stevens was a troubled adolescent when she had her first conscious encounter with Christ while participating in a Bible study group. In the vision this encounter evoked, she saw herself walking with Jesus near a deep blue river and this experience both changed and saved her life. Following it, she composed the folk hymn, "For Those Tears I Died (or Come To the Water)".
This is not a biblical salvation testimony, and it is no wonder that she has become an apostate. To see oneself walking with Jesus near a deep blue river and thinking that Jesus died for our tears is not the same as confessing oneself a wicked sinner deserving of hell, repenting of one’s sin, and trusting the blood of Christ for forgiveness.
In light of the shallow evangelism that is prevalent both within evangelicalism and fundamentalism and the lack of caution about accepting church members (the Bible standard is a clear new birth testimony), it is no wonder that homosexuality is a growing problem.
In 2004, Southern Gospel favorite Kirk Talley's homosexuality was made public after someone tried to blackmail him with photos, he had posted at a homosexual chat site. Talley has sung with big-name groups such as The Hoppers and The Cathedrals and has won a string of awards. He wrote the Southern Gospel favorites, Step into the Water, "He Is Here," "Serenaded by Angels," and "If He Hung the Moon". His homosexual outing didn't end his Southern Gospel career. Between May and November 2010, he had 17 engagements listed on his schedule, including those at four Nazarene, one Baptist, and five Methodist churches.
In 2008, Clay Aiken, a Southern Baptist who was a runner-up on the American Idol contest in 2003 and has gone on to become a multi-platinum recording artist, admitted publicly that he is homosexual. He appeared on the cover of People magazine under the headline, "Yes, I'm Gay". A Baptist Press article about him in May 14, 2003, was entitled, "A Baptist Lauded for Work with Youth, and the Biblical Recorder, the North Carolina Baptist Association's paper, reported that Aiken's church, Leesville Baptist in Raleigh, gathered together to watch the very worldly American Idol after their Wednesday night Bible studies. (We wonder how much attention they gave in those studies to passages such as Romans 12:2; Ephesians 5:11; James 4:4, and 1 John 2:15-17) In People magazine, Aiken, referring to his baby boy that was conceived through in-vitro fertilization, said, "I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things". What is commendable about rejecting one sin (lying) for another (sodomy)".
That same year popular contemporary Christian musician Ray Boltz revealed that he is homosexual. Boltz told the homosexual magazine The Washington Blade that he has been a homosexual since he was a kid (though he was married for 33 years before his divorce and has four children). He said: "If this is the way God made me, then this is the way I'm going to live. It's not like God made me this way and he'll send me to hell if I am who he created me to be (Ray Boltz Comes Out, Christianity Today, Sept. 12, 2008). This is a great deception. The only sure word from God is found in the Bible, and the Bible calls the male to male sexual relationship (men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another) "vile affections," 'against nature," "unseemly," "error," and 'reprobate" (Romans 1:26-28). It is obvious, then, that God did not make Ray Boltz a homosexual and that he could renounce it if he really wanted to.
Jennifer Knapp, a hard rocking Contemporary Christian musician, came "out of the closet" with her lesbianism 2010, but she had been in a lesbian relationship for years before that. On Larry King Live, April 23, 2010, she said the Bible's teaching against homosexuality is based on faulty translation and interpretation. When asked if she thinks the Bible speaks against homosexuality, she replied, 'Well, I think there is plenty of evidence in my exploration of my faith through the sacred text of the Holy Bible that I have definitely recognized that we are somewhat at the handicap of our own interpretation against homosexuality. In the long run I don't have the greatest deal of problems with it because I'm not the only person in the universe that has ever looked at a different interpretation".
Let's see if this works. Leviticus 20:13 says, "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination.
NOVEMBER 13, 2022 COP 27 UN Climate Conference - on Mount Sinai