Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam & Roman Catholicism:
HOW the man of lawlessness managed this fundamental APOSTATE “change of allegiances”.
In exchange for what will be eight years of covert “ACTS”, and “CODED MESSAGES” of FAVORS to very specific religious and political world leaders, consequently all major religious leaders are NOW poised to give their allegiance to the new anti-CHRIST world leader! “MARK THESE WORDS”!
The name “Denali”, (Deenaalee) is a based on Koyukon, (also referred to as Denaakk'e), the geographical area’s most widespread “Athabascan” (Athabascan is also spelled Athapascan in the literature.) language spoken in Alaska.
This ‘specific ancient language “Athabascan”, of this Alaska Native tribe has a DIRECT and absolutely traceable connection to Jainism and Sanskrit, the liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism which has played an outsized role in India’s linguistic development over its lifetime. Sanskrit traveled as far as Indonesia, Japan and Afghanistan on the backs of the Hindu and Buddhist religious.
What will appear to be an amazing “overnight” embrace of THE anti-Christ by ALL “FAITHS”, will IN FACT have been orchestrated over the past eight (8) years by the “ongoing” subornment of world religious leader, orchestrated with exacting intent to “call in the favor” once the “man of lawlessness” aspires to his global throne of world power during the years 2017-2021.
WHY after 100 years of name recognition, did Hussein Obama CHOOSE to “CHANGE” the name of Mount McKinley with an “OBSCURE TRIBAL LANGUAGE” term with a direct link to Hinduism, Buddhism?
UNDERSTAND that this was NOT some random act of nostalgic change, but rather ANOTHER “CODED SIGNAL” to the Hindu religious leaders of his recognition of their legitimacy and acceptance along side of Buddhism, Islam and Roman Catholicism!!! “THIS IS THAT”!
Hussein spent three days in Alaska to aggressively propagate law and tax in the name of “climate change”. Hussein’s perpetual “signaling” of religious and political groups around world with “coded” messages and overt actions precede his intention to rule over the nations and religions of the world in the near future and will require in return absolute allegiance to him.
Hussein’s ongoing “coded messages” to religious leaders and their followers around the world during his terms in office has continually signaled ALL major religions of their expected and anticipated cooperation once he rises to “BEASTUM”. The Denali name change was his most recent “token” to Hinduism and Buddhism and the “gods” they serve.
ISLAM: has been “onboard” since the day of the “Arab Spring” with the calculated restructuring of the Jihad Caliphate of Islam under the approval of a “lead from behind” by the “man of Lawlessness”, who has engrafted himself into the fray to insure Islamic allegiance to himself with the continual support of every jihad act of Islam against the Nation of Israel.
PROOF is perpetually evidenced by Hussein’s decisions to leave behind millions of American dollars and military hardware on the battlefields of Islamic conflict in order to continue to facilitate the Jihad Islamic beheading warriors after Obama signaled America’s departure from the area was imminent.
Hussein’s continual release of murdering Islamic terrorist from Gitmo, and constant opposing of Islamic leaders who do not support Jihad. Signaling Jihad warriors on the battlefield before American bombs fall on them and scores of other vial treasons acts while domestically installing scores of Islamic leaders within every area of United States Federal government, ALL IN YOUR FACE!
The list of Islamic Jihad support is too vast, yet with obvious ongoing overt signals to Islam that will insure the allegiance of most radical Islamic “sword bearers” to carry out his future global ambitions.
ROMAN CATHOLICISM: has become a willing religious proponent of anti-Christ, representing the largest of “global faiths” with the perverted representation of “christianity” that is propagated by Francis, the false prophet of Rome who has successfully “swept within its crippling wake many Evangelicals like Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland and other secular religious leaders along with their billions of followers, who live their lives of self indulgence and forsaken the Almighty Holy Word of Jehovah.
AND NOW MOST RECENTLY HINDU religious leaders were “signaled” last year when Hussein Obama's calculated “change" of the name of a Mountain, that had honored a slain American President for over 100 years to reflect the unmistakable interpretation of how he sees himself and chose an ancient name whose origin is directly traceable to Sanskrit, the liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism with a literal interpretation of The “HIGH ONE or the GREAT ONE’.
So you may have been unaware that Obama’s actions do serve ONE CALCULATED expressed purpose to win the adulation of world religious leaders and their followers in PREPARATION of his MORTAL GLOBAL REIGN! If you are a Believer, YOU ARE ON THE OUTSIDE of HIS DEMONIC “CIRCLE of INCLUSION”. You are a NON-PERSON, like the Jew of Nazi occupation. PREPARE YOURSELF!
While all of this is all going on in plain view understand that the Lord has a very specific reason to reveal what is hidden. What comes next is the actual manifestation. Those who understand will NOT be caught off guard. Most will wake up in wonder with perplexity.
This ‘specific ancient language of this Alaska Native tribe has DIRECT ancient historical, spiritual and biological roots that are absolutely traceable to Jainism and Sanskrit, the liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism which has played an outsized role in India’s linguistic development over its lifetime. Sanskrit traveled as far as Indonesia, Japan and Afghanistan on the backs of Hindu and Buddhist religious emissaries.
Hussein’s ongoing “coded messages” during his American term in political office has continually signaled ALL major religious leaders around the world and in this specific case, the religious leaders of the “ANCIENTS”, who are connected by language of Hinduism and Buddhism.
In short, Hussein continues to “signal” EVERY major religious leader on earth of his impending global rule and expects allegiance by Islamic, Hindus, Buddhists, Roman Catholics, evangelicals and secular peripheral religious groups around the world. Obama’s overt “coded” signals to these groups are about to pay off for him when his eight year long “ride”, (tango) with the Whore of Babylon, the United States of America is finished. - BOZUNG
In August 2015, Hussein Obama proclaimed Mount McKinley is to be the moniker, Denali, the Aleut name, meaning the “HIGH ONE or the GREAT ONE’. Mount McKinley is the tallest mountain in North America.
The name “Denali”, (Deenaalee) is a based on Koyukon, (also referred to as Denaakk'e), the geographical area’s most widespread “Athabascan” (Athabascan is also spelled Athapascan in the literature.) language spoken in Alaska.
The Athabaskan language is spoken along the Koyukuk and the middle Yukon River in western interior Alaska. In 2007, the language had approximately 300 speakers, who were generally older adults bilingual in English. The total Koyukon ethnic population was 2,300.
The name “Mount McKinley” dates back to 1896 – the year when it was named in honour of William McKinley (1843–1901), who was shortly to become President of the United States.
The Athabascan people who came from Asia about thousands of years ago across Beringia were of the Nadene language group, and as they migrated into Alaska and NW Canada the sub-families of Tlingit, Eyak, and Haida remained there. There is new evidence that migration across Beringia was in both directions.
These early people are now the Ingalik, Koyukon, Tanana, Holikachuk, Gwich'in, Han, Upper Tanana, Ahtna and Tanaina, with Gwich'in, Ingalik and Ahtna as separate cultures. The Athabascan, which are the largest sub-family, spread farther east across Canada.
When linguists began recording and classifying Indian languages they found a surprising affinity of the Apache-Navajo languages to the Athabascan family of languages from northwestern Canada and eastern Alaska. The original homeland of the tribes was northwestern Canada and eastern Alaska. The discovery of this origin was through linguistics.
Athabascan languages belong to an entirely different language family from the Amerindian languages. One crucial difference that separates them from the other Amerindian languages and suggests their affinity to the languages of East Asia is that they are tonal; i.e., words with the same phonemes but spoken with different tones have different meanings. This meant that it was almost impossible for adult outsiders to learn these languages.
In Spanish, the Apaches de las Nabahu, the Apaches of the Cultivated Fields, which was subsequently shortened to Navajos. This is the origin of the Navajos. They were the Apaches who adopted farming and later sheep herding. The name the Apaches and Navajos used for themselves was Na Dené, which means The People.
Theravada Buddhism uses Pali as its main liturgical language, and prefers its scriptures to be studied in the original Pali. In Thailand, Pali is written using the Thai alphabet, resulting in a Thai pronunciation of the Pali language.
Mahayana Buddhism makes little use of its original language, Sanskrit. In some Japanese rituals, Chinese texts are read out or recited with the Japanese pronunciations of their constituent characters, resulting in something unintelligible in both languages.[1] In Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan language is used, but mantras are in Sanskrit.
Sanskrit traveled as far as Indonesia, Japan and Afghanistan on the backs of Hindu and Buddhist religious emissaries.
The language’s name for itself, sa?sk?ta vak, means “perfected speech”—and its users genuinely believed that Sanskrit was indeed perfect. Sanskrit grammarians and authors looked down on commoners’ prak?ta, “natural”, languages as seriously deficient compared to Sanskrit. Rulers and other elites felt the same way.
(These prak?ta languages, descendants of Sanskrit, eventually became most of the languages spoken in northern India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh, including Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi, Sinhalese and Marathi.) Because the native religious traditions of India highly value the precise oral recitation of scriptures, the liturgical language itself holds sacred importance.
For thousands of years, Sanskrit persisted as a language of religion and elite education even as local vernaculars increasingly diverged from it. This relationship parallels the continued formal use of Latin in continental Europe through the Middle Ages despite the Romance languages developing apart from it, or the freezing of written and formal Arabic in its Koranic form as the spoken dialects became, in effect, new languages over the past 14 centuries..
Sanskrit traveled as far as Indonesia, Japan and Afghanistan on the backs of Hindu and Buddhist religious emissaries.
The language’s name for itself, sa?sk?ta vak, means “perfected speech”—and its users genuinely believed that Sanskrit was indeed perfect. Sanskrit grammarians and authors looked down on commoners’ prak?ta, “natural”, languages as seriously deficient compared to Sanskrit. Rulers and other elites felt the same way.
(These prak?ta languages, descendants of Sanskrit, eventually became most of the languages spoken in northern India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh, including Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi, Sinhalese and Marathi.) Because the native religious traditions of India highly value the precise oral recitation of scriptures, the liturgical language itself holds sacred importance.
For thousands of years, Sanskrit persisted as a language of religion and elite education even as local vernaculars increasingly diverged from it. This relationship parallels the continued formal use of Latin in continental Europe through the Middle Ages despite the Romance languages developing apart from it, or the freezing of written and formal Arabic in its Koranic form as the spoken dialects became, in effect, new languages over the past 14 centuries.
The Denali is of course not the only mountain with an interesting linguistic history, so let’s travel to Asia, Africa, and across Europe, to explore the naming of those continents’ most famous peaks and mountain ranges.
The Nepalese name Himalaya comes from a Sanskrit word meaning ‘Abode of Snow’, from hima for ‘snow’ and alaya for ‘abode’. In Buddhist sources, the Himalayan region is known by various names such as Himava and Himavanta.
In 1856, Mount Everest was named after Sir George Everest (1790–1866), who was the superintendent of the Trigonometrical Survey of India. Everest himself was initially displeased by the naming, since he feared that local inhabitants might not be able to pronounce it.
K2 stands for Karakoram 2, because it was the second peak to be surveyed in the Trigonometrical Survey in the Karakoram system. It was also formerly known as Mount Godwin-Austen after Col. H. H. Godwin-Austen, who first surveyed it. Another alternative name for the mountain is Chhogori.
Annapurna is a household Goddess for Hindus, who guarantees to her worshippers that food will not fail. The name derives from a Sanskrit word meaning ‘one who gives nourishment’.
The Matterhorn’s name derives from the name of the nearby town of Zermatt, the second element of which is apparently Matte ‘meadow’, and Horn, ‘horn’. Horn is not an unusual element in German names of mountains with jutting peaks. The mountain is called Mont Cervin in French and Monte Cervino in Italian, from the Italian adjective cervino ‘deer-like’, which conjures up a deer’s antlers.
Ben Nevis is the Anglicized form of the Scottish Gaelic name Beinn Nibheis, which means ‘Mountain by the (River) Nevis’. The name of the river apparently derives from a Celtic root for ‘water’.
The name of Africa’s highest peak means ‘Mountain of the God of Cold’, from the Swahili kilima, ‘mountain’, and njaro, ‘god of cold’. As a part of German East Africa, it was previously known as Kaiser Wilhelm Spitze (‘Emperor William Peak’) after William I, German emperor (1871–88). The mountain received its present name after the British were awarded a League of Nations mandate for this part of German East Africa in 1920.
• Frederic A. Hodge, "The Early Navajo and Apache," American Antropologist, Vol. 8, no. 3 (July 1895), pp. 223-240.
• Betty H. Huscher and Harold A. Huscher, "Athapascan Migration Via the Intermontane Region," American Antiquity, Vol. 8, no. 1 (July 1942), pp.
• A.G. Morice, "The Unity of Speech Among the Northern and Souther Deni," American Antropologist, Vol. 9, no. 4 (October-December 1907), pp. 729-730.
• Edward Sapir, "Internal Linguistic Evidence Suggesting the Northern Origin of the Navajo," American Antropologist, Vol. 38, no. 2, (April-June 1936), pp. 225-232.