NO More Harbinger ... In 1789, newly inaugurated President, George Washington, gave a prophetic warning at Federal Hall in New York City. He declared that America’s prosperity and protection were dependent upon its adherence to God. Later, the political leaders of this young nation gathered at St. Paul’s Chapel to commit the nation’s future to God’s purposes. That Chapel is located at Ground Zero and survived 9/11 virtually unscathed.
The Nine Harbingers of Judgment: (Harbingers of Judgment are always historically represented by nine prophetic signs, alarms and foreshadows of a cataclysmic judgment to come).
Before God judges a nation, He sends warning. He sent warning to ancient Israel. He even allowed its enemies to breach its borders in a devastating strike that would traumatize the nation. It was a wake-up call, the call to return to God. But the nation responded with defiance. God then gave Nine Harbingers of Judgment, nine prophetic signs, alarms, and foreshadows of what was to come.
Now America is the nation in rapid departure from God’s will. And God has likewise allowed an enemy to breach its borders in a devastating strike — the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. It was, likewise, a wake-up call. But America, like Israel, has not responded with repentance but with defiance. And now the Nine Harbingers of Judgment have reappeared and have done so on American soil. Four harbingers have manifested at Ground Zero, two harbingers in Washington, D.C., and several involving the highest of American leaders — each harbinger containing a prophetic message and warning. There isn't space here to even begin to cover all the mysteries — but I'll touch on one of the Nine Harbingers and three of the mysteries.
The Word that Pronounced Judgment on America:
As the dust settled on ancient Israel after the first attack and calamity, the nation’s leaders uttered a specific series of words. The words formed a vow of defiance (see Isaiah 9:10). It would seal their fate. It would declare that they would not repent before God, but would defy Him instead. It was the Ninth Harbinger. It would seal their fate as a nation and lead to their destruction.
On the very morning after September 11th, the Ninth Harbinger now manifested in America. It happened in Washington, D.C. On that day, from Capitol Hill, out of the mouth of the Senate Majority Leader, proceeded the exact same words uttered by the leaders of ancient Israel 2,500 years before, in the last days of that nation’s judgment (Isaiah 9:10). Having no idea what he was doing, the Majority Leader was declaring America as under the judgment of God. It was the reenactment of an ancient mystery — and bore the most grave of consequences.
Wall Street and the Mystery of the Shemitah:
As the prophets gazed out at the ruins of ancient Israel, they realized that there was a mystery to the timing of God’s judgment. That mystery centered on the biblical Shemitah. Every seventh year, the Shemitah, or Sabbath Year, would cause the land to rest, when sowing and reaping, buying and selling, would come to a standstill. The Shemitah was unique in that it specifically affected the nation’s economic and financial realms — wiping out all accounts of credit and debt. For the nation that departs from God, the Shemitah becomes a sign of judgment.
The year of Shemitah reaches its culmination on the last day of the Hebrew year. In September of 2008 came the greatest stock market point crash in American history. When did it happen? On the biblical day of the Shemitah — the very day when credit and debt, the accounts of the financial realm, are wiped away! Seven years earlier was the second largest crash in American history — it was the one caused by 9/11. When did that crash take place? On the day of the Shemitah! Thus the two greatest financial collapses in American history both happened on the exact same Hebrew day — the day of the Shemitah — the sign of a nation departed from God. And the night after each of America’s stock market crashes came the Feast of Trumpets, the sounding of the shofar — the other biblical sign of judgment.
America’s Mystery Ground:
When judgment came to Israel, the calamity returned the people’s attention to the place where the nation had been consecrated to God — the Temple Mount. God was calling the nation ba ck to Himself. What about 9/11? Could there be, in the American calamity, as well, a mystery of return? Could there be a prophetic message hidden in the place where it happened? There is a place, where America was consecrated to God in prayer. It is also a place linked to a prophetic warning given on that same day — uttered by the nation’s first President — now coming to pass. What is that place? Ground Zero.
The Biblical Secret that Caused America’s Economic Collapse:
According to the ancient mystery revealed in the Book of Isaiah, if after that first calamity and warning, the nation doesn’t return to God but responds in defiance, it will end up triggering a second calamity. It was because of this ancient key, that, seven years after 9/11, the American economy collapsed. In the days after 9/11, the Federal Reserve slashed the base interest rate in an attempt to defy the consequences of the attacks. That action put us on the path leading to the collapse of the American economy seven years later.
In 2008, the government made a second fatal mistake, another ill-fated financial decision, that would trigger the collapse of the American economy. Amazingly, it took place on the seventh anniversary of the uttering of the ancient vow on Capitol Hill. In 1789, newly inaugurated President, George Washington, gave a prophetic warning at Federal Hall in New York City. He declared that America’s prosperity and protection were dependent upon its adherence to God. Later, the political leaders of this young nation gathered at St. Paul’s Chapel to commit the nation’s future to God’s purposes. That Chapel is located at Ground Zero and survived 9/11 virtually unscathed.
Things to Come and the Call of the Watchmen:
Two years before 9/11, I stood overlooking the Hudson River in a gathering of prayer for God’s mercy on New York — a gathering based on a prophetic sense that a terrorist attack would come to the city in future days. As I led in prayer, my focus was drawn to the two towers of the World Trade Center across the water. A deep sense came over me of things yet to come for America. Two years later it would all begin.
There is much more concerning the ancient mystery and what the future holds than I could possibly share here — but I do so now as a prophetic call to you as God’s people. On the biblical calendar, September is the time of the trumpet call, the days of repentance, and the calling to return. Our nation is in danger — and God is calling. Pray for America, for God’s mercy, for repentance, and revival. Pray that the message of The Harbinger now goes forth and the leaders of this nation repent THIS YEAR, 2012. The signs are clear — the Nine Harbingers of Judgment have appeared, the sign of Shemitah has been fulfilled, the ancient progression of judgment has advanced to the next stage, each one a foreshadow. What then does the future hold in store for America — and for us? Jonathan Cahn is Rabbi and Pastor of the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, NJ, and leader of Hope of the World Ministries. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright ©1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
UNDERSTANDING Israel and Harbinger of judgment:
The destruction of the First Holy Temple 2,500 years ago TO THE YEAR. The Fast of Gedaliah commemorates the end of Jewish rule in the Land of Israel following the destruction of the First Holy Temple. Destruction of First Temple Commemorated with Day of Fasting. Hundreds of thousands of observant Jewish families begin the "Three Weeks" of gradually-increasing mourning over the destruction of the Holy Temples and Israel's exile on Tuesday, with the fast of the 17th of the Hebrew month of Tammuz. This is the day on which Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian forces breached the walls of Jerusalem in 422 BCE, after 18 months of siege, on their way to destroying the First Temple three weeks later. (Note: Some date the destruction of the first Temple 586 B.C.E.) The Three Weeks end on the 9th of Av - Tisha B'Av - the date on which both the First and Second Temples were destroyed, 2,500 and 2,000 years ago respectively, the second destruction by Roman forces taking place in the year 70 C. E. The 17th of Tammuz marks other calamities in Jewish history as well.
It is the date on which Moses, having descended from Mount Sinai for the first time, saw the people sinning with the Golden Calf and broke the first set of Ten Commandments. In addition, the priests of the First Temple era were forced on this day, a year before the Temple's destruction, to stop offering the daily sacrifice due to the shortage of sheep. The Talmud also teaches that on this date some decades earlier, the evil King Menasheh had an idol placed in the Temple's Holy Sanctuary. Later, during Second Temple times, a Roman general placed an idol in the same place and publicly burned the Torah.
The fast begins in the early dawn hours and not the night before, unlike the Yom Kippur and 9th of Av fasts. It ends after the evening Maariv prayer shortly after 8 p.m. in Israel; for other locations, click here .Note that in may cities an hour must be added for Daylight Savings Time. For Hebrew, click here. Mourning customs such as no weddings, parties, or haircuts, continue until the morning after Tisha B'Av; there are slight differences between Ashkenazi and Sephardic customs. Maimonides (Rambam) explains that the purpose of days of fasting and mourning is not to remember the hardships suffered by our ancestors, in the same way that we remember days of joy, but rather to “awaken [our] hearts and clear the paths to repentance.
This reminds us of our evil deeds and those of our forefathers [that] brought these calamities upon them and us. Recalling these matters causes us to better ourselves, as it is written, They shall confess their transgressions and the transgressions of their fathers.’” Like other fast days, the morning prayers on the 17th of Tammuz include special selichot prayers, mourning our losses and asking for forgiveness. Excerpts from the selichot of the 17th of Tammuz:
"We rebelled against Him Who dwells in heaven, therefore we were scattered in all directions... We acted rebelliously before Thee with slandering tongues, therefore our tongues were made to learn to utter lamentation... The tempest-tossed afflicted people were utterly broken up and dispersed; the dry land became a boat wrecked for lack of a captain; she received [punishment] for her sins with principal and double interest, with mourning and moaning... Their adversaries assailed them on that day and... drove the nation like a chased gazelle, and there was none that sought to protect it... Turn to us, O Thou that dwellest on high, gather our dispersed from the four corners of the earth. Say to Zion, Arise! And we shall arise. Convert the 17th of Tammuz into a day of salvation and comfort." (translation by Rev. Abraham Isaac Jacob Rosenfeld).
The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah falls on the Hebrew calendar dates of 1 and 2 Tishrei. Here are the coinciding secular dates for the upcoming years:
Rosh Hashanah 2014: September 24 (at sundown) - 26
Rosh Hashanah 2015: September 13 (at sundown) – 15
Note: The Jewish calendar date begins at sundown of the night beforehand. Thus all holiday observances begin at sundown on the secular dates listed, with the following day being the first full day of the holiday. Jewish calendar dates conclude at nightfall.
OnJun. 6, 2011 - Dr. Eilat Mazar of Hebrew University, one of Israel's most prominent archaeologists, says he is convinced that remains from the First and Second Jewish Temple period lie underneath the Temple Mount surface, "just waiting to be excavated." He accuses the Islamic custodians of the Temple Mount of destroying Jewish artifacts while attempting to turn the Temple Mount into a "giant mosque." Source: WorldNetDaily.
2012-Blood in the streets of American and other nations. Unrest, civil disobedience, energy and food riots, martial law. Loss of constitutional rights under new world order (international law), via United Nations “home and national security” rules.
Total collapse of the global economy. Restructure of world economic system under the exclusive direction of global bankers supported with an iron fist by global leaders. New system will be instituted through 2015 resulting in a new world leader emerging who, by 2018 will make Hitler’s evil actions to pursue world domination seem tame.
"Possible" indefinite postponement of the November 2012 United States' Presidential election.
911, the US Citizens response to this horrible event in fact initiated conversation about God. it lasted (3), three weeks and then the conversation stopped.
As a nation we didn't get the message! A WARNING requiring an abrupt change in direction from our obvious habitual nefarious practices. Here, for the stupid people, let me make it clear for you. Mass killings of the innocent, (ABORTION) the mis-treating of the Nation of Israel, more specifically forcing the division of the City of Jerusalem and of course scores of other offensive issues.
The same thing happened to ancient Israel and as U.S.; they too did not recognize the WARNING, (harbinger). Hey if you don't believe in God, that's your problem and a serious one with eternal consequences!
Israel experienced a harbinger with the identical comparison to the details of our 911 and yet, they continued in their own way with no change in the direction of their path in life for another 18 years. Then the Nation of Israel was destroyed and the people taken away as captives, slaves of other men losing access to God's blessings, the good life, prosperity and peace.
Today, well known pastors are "playing with the minds and souls of their congregations", dismissing the need to act with "genuine" repentance of sin so that God can actually hear and answer prayer for Mercy on our nation. For the arrogant and hearing impaired let me clarify, the call for an immediately and persist act in genuine repentance.
"Pastors of nonsense". Useless to God and destructive to the lives of those they claim to care about. WAKE UP! These are those who never teach anything that makes their audience "UNCOMFORTABLE" dismissing the mention of the word "sin" as outdated and unnecessary, bathing themselves in perversion under a cloak of friendship, tolerance and social activities and even training unbelievers to pray with the expectation of an answer. NONSENSE!
We as a nation are missing our opportunity to avoid the same outcome. 18 years after the harbinger the Nation of Israel experienced complete destruction. HEY, WAKE UP ITS 2012. 911 happened 10 YEARS AGO. how many years do we have left for our Nation if we do not turn from our current path. Hey mock Him and His Word if you want, I am certain of this assessment.
Is America under judgment for turning away from God as ancient Israel did.
That is the provocative question answered by Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, based on shocking research by Cahn explaining that The Harbinger, is an Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America's Future.
Rabbi Cahn, who heads the Jerusalem Center-Beth Israel Congregation in Wayne, N.J. suggests an otherwise obscure passage in the Book of Isaiah is since Sept. 11, 2001, being uncannily re-enacted in the U.S. just the way it originally played out in the time of the great prophet of Israel leading to the nation's captivity and dispersions.
Cahn reveals what he calls "an ancient mystery" that holds the secret of America's future and the collapse of the global economy.
Before its destruction as a nation, ancient Israel received nine harbingers, prophetic omens of warning, he says. The same nine harbingers are now manifesting in America with immediate ramifications for end-time prophecy.
The key to decoding the harbingers, he says, is found in understanding the seemingly innocuous words of Isaiah 9:10 (King James Version), what it meant to Israel and how the history seems to be repeating itself in America today.
"The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars."
These words were first uttered by leaders in Israel and in response to a limited strike by Assyria on the lands of Zebulun and Naphtali, an attack the prophet makes clear is actually part of a limited judgment by God against apostasy. It wasn't meant to destroy the nation, but to awaken it, according to most commentaries.
But, says Cahn, Israel didn't take the cue. Instead, the response from the people in Isaiah 9:10 is one of defiance. The brick buildings were toppled, but they vowed to build bigger and better. The little sycamore trees may have been uprooted, but they vowed to plant bigger and better cedars in their place.
God, speaking through Isaiah explains what will happen as a result of their pride and arrogance and failure to heed the harbinger: Bigger and more potent attacks will follow. Because neither the northern kingdom of Israel or the southern kingdom of Judah truly repents, the first is eventually swept away by Assyrian invaders and the latter is carried off into captivity by the Babylonians for 70 years.
But what does this have to do with the United States of America -- particularly what the U.S. experienced on 9/11 and since. Cahn has found some strikingly eerie parallels.
The parallels are truly stunning, In fact, they are overwhelming in their number and their exactitude. I am persuaded God is trying to tell America something and Rabbi Cahn has found the key to unlocking the message.
Does a relatively obscure verse of scripture hold the secret to the pain and suffering America has been experiencing in increasing doses since 9/11
Are America's key leaders unknowingly fulfilling a prophetic destiny of national judgment by uttering words from the Bible they don't comprehend.
Is the United States following in the footsteps of ancient Israel with a spirit of defiance against God leading to increasingly severe judgments?
Is America in danger of impending judgment? And is this judgment revealed in an ancient mystery that foretells current events down to the exact dates?
What can Americans learn that can prevent their nation from falling like ancient Israel did when it failed to heed God's warnings?
Get the answers to these questions in Isaiah 9:10 Judgment.