is on FIRE!
"We are the united states of america for, GOD sake"!! ... These are the words of an arrogant fool joe biden.

June 18, 2024 the "eagles will be gathered" a private meeting is scheduled to take place at the club’s private camp in the redwood forest of California’s Sonoma county, Monte Rio, California.


SHE HAS LOST HER SALT:The uniquely inspired idea in the minds of men to establish the United States of America was a Good idea... Not men, but YHWH, (Almighty God).

2024 - At this precise moment in history, the United States of America no longer serves its purpose as its citizens and leadership have cast aside its’ Divine intent and thus will no longer be permitted to exist.


Many ministers for decades have contributed to the demise of this nation by using their pulpit time and finances to promote and perpetuate the myth and lie that the Divine purpose for prosperity is for personal gain rather than the propagation of the actual Gospel of Jesus Christ.

NOW the "church" is dominated by apostasy that indulges in and embraces homosexuality, abortion and COMPROMISE of all manner.

At this precise moment in history, the United States of America no longer serves its purpose as its citizens and leadership have cast aside its’ Divine intent and thus will no longer be permitted to exist.

Indeed, the compromising personal lives of these individuals are a testament of the level
The United States is perceived by “others”, and in reality substantiated by facts to be arrogant, prideful, boastful in its’ great wealth and is reputed to be a “strong city”, city in this case the nation and or city of commercial districts of the nation who will NEVER experience Judgment for its’ wicked decadent global influence on men in the last days.

"for this reason in ONE DAY her plagues will come, pestilence and mourning and famine and she will be burned up with fire. For the Almighty God, Who judges her is strong and the king of the earth who committed acts of immorality and lived sensuously with her will weep and lament over her when they see the smoke of her burning standing at a distance because of the fear of her torment saying woe, woe the great city for in one hour your judgment has come".

This end time, "Mystery Babylon Harlot nation is described in the greatest detail in the 18th chapter of the book of Revelation: Let whoever reads it, understand. "Give her as much torment and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, ‘I sit enthroned as queen. I am not a widow; I WILL NEVER EXPERIENCE grief?

BECAUSE OF THIS ONE ARROGANT REBELLIOUS ATTITUDE, in ONE DAY plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Lord God who judges her". Revelation 18:7.


This Babylon Whorehouse, Mother of Harlots, is about to undergo a renovation of the most disparaging kind! Read the entire chapter of Revelation 18! The FINAL global antichrist Empire IS preceded by 7 historical Gentile Empires. The son of perdition, anti-Christ, will rule this 8th and FINAL world empire. He will have come out of the 7th Empire and his career will seem finished, only to rise again to lead the world into perdition!

Revelation 17:11. "The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction". The key Greek word reference to this scripture is, hupago, pronounced as, hoop-ag'-o; the word means to withdraw or retire, as if sinking out of sight, literally or figuratively: depart, get hence, go away. This apparent "revival" or "reappearance" refers to the apparent demise of the seventh world empire and its leader and then the apparent resurrection of a final "eighth'' world Gentile empire of the anti-Christ. The final "anti-Christ global Gentile Empire" is number 8 and actually comes out of one of the seven prior historical Gentile empires that have existed since antiquity, one of which is the "political" Mystery Babylon.

The young lions of Tarshish represented smaller tradesmen who were equally rapacious with its larger merchants. The USA is one of these "MERCHANTS", more specifically, the one whose "wings" were plucked off from the "Eagle, (The eagle wings being plucked off represent the United States which broke away from the British Empire in the late 1700s), and stood up like a man", as described in Daniel 7:4.

There has never been an Empire of world dominance like the USA. Not even close!! Who else matches to a tee, the biblical description of Revelation 18, other than the US? NO ONE!!.

The bible teaches that the anti-Christ will have had a previous close and INTIMATE relationship with the harlot Mystery Babylon, before he gains control of the final eight beast, who comes out of the seventh. He will then hate the whore and burn her up with fire with the help of 10 other non-political, global bankers and tec giants, who help him get into power, Revelation 17.

AMERICA is THIS SEVENTH GENTILE EMPIRE WILL BE DESTROYED BY FIRE, AND BE REPLACED BY A FINAL 8th WORLD EMPIRE OF THE BEAST of REVELATION! Scripture teaches that this antichrist global Empire is preceded by 7 Gentile Empires.

These are as follows, Assyrian, Egyptian, Babylonian, Medeo-Persian, Greek, Roman and Mystery Babylon, the USA! The "son of perdition", anti-Christ, will be the 8th and FINAL world Gentile leader. He will also be of the 7th! In other words, anti-Christ will first rule the SEVENTH Gentile Empire and then go on to rule the LAST 8th Gentile Empire. ...

PREPARE ... PREPARE ... PREPARE!! I originally published this prophetic understanding in 1989 and updated this truth in 2015, republished in 2023. URGENT MESSAGE. THE WHORE HAS FALLEN and IT can't GET UP!!! ... MARK THESE WORDS, they are NOT my OWN! - BOZUNG.


The NEXT Presidential election IS completely irrelevant and inconsequential, as what COMES SOON CANNOT be managed by ANY ONE NATION, PRESIDENT, CONGRESS OR GOVERNOR.

The “current” focus of presidential debates and the political campaigns that will follow Into election year 2016 will soon be muted, forgotten, forsaken and replaced by unimaginable global chaos of catastrophic significance. "a time of distress which has never occurred, nor ever shall again".

TAKE HEED - THE WHOLE WORLD WILL BE “DISTRACTED”, literally “CONSUMED” by WHAT COMES NEXT as campaign “issues” of today’s political criminal and economic debauchery disappear into the abyss of the darkness and are completely overshadowed by “what comes this way”.

Literally "over night" Men will awaken grief stricken, truly perplexed, distraught, confused, bewildered and DESPERATE ! “MEN’S HEARTS WILL FAIL THEM”... For fear of what has come upon the earth in "rapid succession".

The FINAL “day of reckoning” of the ever-so "mocked" Shemitah, will manifest “ALL of a SUDDEN”, with absolute catastrophic economic fail. Men will swarm like locust, devouring one another for food and sustenance of life.

A global crisis management “team” headed by two “beastly” men, one a politician and one a religious leader, along with 10 others, (world leaders) will attempt to "SAVE MANKIND" in the aftermath of what is coming soon.

The Russian army and its allies will be destroyed on the mountains of Israel, thus Russia will be neutered as a global threat, removing them as one of the last obstacles to the new “GLOBAL ORDER”.

Islam will be brought “under U.N., directives and used as the “sword bearer of anti-Christ” to “keep order” in this new world.

International military personnel will “police” the nations under a type of international Sharia court of law and punishment that is directed by these two new world order leaders and their assigned appointees.

“Humpty Dumpty will NOT be put together again”, as the anti-Christ and false prophet struggle to implement unprecedented measures in an attempt to repair and stabilize a global infra-structure, while institutionalizing and implementing an abominable global economy.

These men will rule without restraint, their efforts will bring desolation and will “fail” upon the return and arrival of Messiah. Jesus The Christ to earth.

The false prophet (FRANCIS of ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH) will control the dogma of a new world APOSTATE religion and he will promote and support the BEAST SYSTEM of Revelation, IT's "LEADER", the son of perdition who IS anti-Christ and "his" RISE TO GLOBAL POWER.

These "TWO" individuals will launch the FINAL EIGHTH GENTILE GLOBAL EMPIRE of the anti-CHRIST AFTER the FALL of Mystery Babylon, the Harlot is complete.

The United States of America will suffer this death AFTER Believers have been removed from the earth at the Resurrection (rapture).

The SEVENTH GENTILE EMPIRE, (USA) will suffer at the hands of the anti-Christ once he has achieved his global leadership role.


Sheba, and Dorian, and the merchants of Tarshish were the great trading communities of the South, East, and West respectively (see on Ezekiel 27:15, 20, 22, 25).

The young lions thereof - i.e. Of Tarshish, not of the other communities (Keil) - were probably intended to represent, not the" authorities" of Tarshish, as Hitzig suggests, but its smaller tradesmen who were equally rapacious with its larger merchants.


Mystery Babylon is described in the 18th chapter of the book of Revelation as follows:

"for this reason in one day her plagues will come, pestilence and mourning and famine and she will be burned up with fire for the YHWH Who judges her is strong and the king of the earth who committed acts of immorality and lived sensuously with her will weep and lament over her when they see the smoke of her burning standing at a distance because of the fear of her torment saying woe, woe the great city for in one hour your judgment has come".

And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over here because no one buys their cargoes any more, cargoes of gold and silver, precious stones, and pearls, and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet and every kind of citron wood and every article made from very costly wood and bronze and iron and marble and cinnamon and spice and incense and perfume, fine flour and wheat and cattle and sheep and human lives.

And the fruit you long for has gone from you and all things that were luxurious and splendid have passed away from you and men will no longer find them.

The merchants of these things who became rich from her will stand at a distance because of the fear of her torment weeping and morning saying woe, woe the great city she who was clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet, pearls for in one hour such great wealth has been laid waste.

And every shipmaster and every passenger and sailor and as many as make their living by the sea stood at a distance and were crying out as they say the great city and they threw dust on their heads and were crying out weeping and mourning saying woe the great city in which all who had ships at sea became rich by her wealth for in our hour she has been laid waste.

Rejoice over here o heaven and you saints and apostles’ and prophets because God has pronounced judgment for you against her.

And a strong angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea saying thus will Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence and will not be found any longer.

And the sound of harpists and musicians and flute-players and trumpeters will not be heard in you any longer and no craftsman of any craft will be found in you any longer and the sound of a mill will not be heard in you any longer, your merchants were great men of the earth because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery.

And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all who have been slain on the earth.


4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. REVELATION 18:4-5.

5 for her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.’

"And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every (unclean and hateful "bird", (responsible for the birth of and vast global expansion of "satellite Internet technical" broadcasts and communications of every evil inclination of carnal thought of the HUMAN HEART the world at large).

America is truly the "mother of harlots", having given birth to the idea of exchanging itself for the love of "Mammon" , another name for Beelzebub. The United States of America is a nation who sold itself for the love of money). Revelation 18:2 / Revelation 17:5.


REVELATION 17:1-5 - The beast not the harlot is described as the one full of blasphemous names! THE BEAST IS THE FINAL "EIGHTH" GENTILE EMPIRE TO RULE HUMANITY.

The antichrist will be preceded by 7 kings or rulers. He will be the 8th king. He will also be "of" the 7th...


Revelation 17:11 5217 hupago (hoop-ag'-o); from 5259 and 71; to lead (oneself) under, I.e. The word means to withdraw or retire (as if sinking out of sight), literally or figuratively: KJV-- depart, get hence, go (a-) way.

The number of historically recorded WORLD RULING EMPIRES, represented by only a handful of MAJOR governmental powers, whose sphere of authority and military influence literally "CONTROLLED" for a season of time all other known world citizens of its day. To date the exact uncontested number of these ruling empire entities IS 7 in total.

1 Egypt
2 Assyria
3 Babylon
4 Medo-Persia
5 Greece
6 Rome


Yes, indeed, Mystery Babylon, the mother of harlots, is the United States of America.

The United States will suffer a final absolute cataclysmic destruction of its society and the complete collapse of its economic system as precisely and prophetically described in the book of Revelation.

This unpopular yet biblically sound outcome is the direct result of the nation’s leadership and its citizens’ choice to reject the fear of God, walk in moral decadence and dismiss the Divine providence and purpose of its obligation.


AS DAWN WAS BREAKING, the angels hastened Lot. "Get going!" they told him. "Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be engulfed by the devastation that's coming to this city." Genesis 19:15.

THE DAY THAT NOAH ENTERED THE ARK, the flood came and destroyed them all.

And just as it happened in the days of Noah and Lot... So it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: It was the same as happened in the days of Lot:

they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building; but on the day that Lot went out from Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all”.… Luke 17:25-28.

All are depicted as following in the wake of Gog, like vultures in the rear of an army, and as inquiring whether Gog had come simply for the purpose of destruction or in the hope of trading with the booty he should capture.

In this case they intimate their wish to be partakers of the spoil This (Plumptre), rather than the thirst for booty which characterized them (Keil), their question to Gog signified; Schroder's idea, that they purposed ironically to ridicule the smallness of the spoil which would reward so gigantic an expedition, has as little to recommend it as Kliefoth's suggestion, that they designed to intimate their sympathy with Gog's invasion of Israel.

Under the Islamic administration of Barack Hussein Obama he aggressively changed the political policies of America to support Islam and betray the Nation of Israel and will fulfill this ancient bible prophecy.

This “man of lawlessness” has come to hate the United States and all it represented in history. The bible declares that he; the anti-Christ will take action that will result in the nation being consumed by fire. Revelation 17:16.

FINALLY: There is a spiritual component to Mystery Babylon, the mother of Harlots.

This spiritual entity will be handled by a religious leader the bible refers to as the “false prophet” who will support the agenda of the world leader who is himself anti-Christ. Both figures will together control the political and religious governing bodies of government of the new world order through a deceptive unified allegiance to one another.

The false prophet (FRANCIS of ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH) will control the dogma of a new world religion and demand adherence to new commandments of the politically correct agenda of the “man of sin” under penalty of death. Revelation 13:12.

The U.S. Government will be divested of three branches of governing and will be “VACATED”, “give up possession or occupancy of; relinquished rights to and or left empty or not used”. In other words, “GUTTED” and replaced by a United Nations global constitution rule of law.

Nations will be subjugated by order to a universal “constitution” of world order.

Citizens of the nations will be “policed” in their own streets by “multi-national” law enforcement personnel who have no personal connection to national history, culture, historical constitutional law or inherent “love of country". Allegiance to world order law is compliant. “Comply or Die”.

A NEW WORLD “global climate disruption, formerly global warming, formerly climate change “TAX” will FUND the entire operations to manage this final Beast NEW ORDER Empire, #8, in a long line of gentile empires down throughout the ages of mankind.

FUNNY or NOT SO... First global warming, then climate change, now White House science advisor John Holdren has declared earth and atmospheric changes to be “global climate disruption”.

Blame man, not volcanoes that spew tons of C02 along with other toxic gases into the atmosphere. Moral of the story? When anti-Christ cannot achieve Cap and Tax legislation based on junk science, just change the name, engage the services of false prophet religious leader and try again.


Legally sanctioned homosexuality IS directly connected to the SAME demonic principality of darkness that replaces the Creator with creation itself.

“Therefore God “gave them over“ in the sinful desires of their hearts to “sexual impurity“ for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and “worshiped and served created things” rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Romans 1:24-25.

The worship of “CREATION” is the ”DIRECT“ consequence of mankind’s legal “sanctification” of homosexuality and sexual perversion. THESE TWO VILE AFFECTIONS GO “HAND IN HAND”.

The association of homosexuality and “creation worship” centers around the FACT that homosexuals CANNOT reproduce offspring, in direct defiance of the Creator’s command to “Be fruitful and multiple and cover the earth”. Genesis 1:28 / Genesis 9:7.

Global warming, climate change by any other name “refocuses” the attention and affection of mankind on “CREATION” and replaces the Creator as “savior” with a “religious” fervency”. In other words, the unification of mankind around creation with the purpose of “saving” mankind from itself becomes its own religion.

Mankind was commanded to “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth”.

Man IS commissioned to reproduce after his kind and to “dominate” creation rather than be dominated by creation. Therein lies the "ABOMINATION" of homosexuality.

This simply means that man is to plant, sow and “replenish” each created thing AFTER ITS’ OWN KIND”. Any attempt to propagate “lording" creation over mankind is demonic in nature, this includes the heavy task master of global climate “TAXATION”.

Any man made law that “changes” the mandate of the Creator establishes a defiant act against the Creator. Homosexuality CANNOT “bear” after its “own kind”.

Help for the ignorant ... Homosexual sex cannot reproduce another human being. Mankind, through engineering science has also circumvented this “law” and defied the Creator in this respect, however HOW LONG DO YOU THINK YOU CAN PLAY WITH GOD?

Mankind has achieved by bringing up from Hell the demonic entities who will help man to experience the final “Death Throes” of the human race. God “gave them over“ to “sexual impurity“ for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged God for a lie, and “worshiped created things“ rather than the Creator.

“Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God”. 1 Corinthians 6:

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God,

They did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, They became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like a corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.

Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, Who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Romans 1:20-25.


A defiant Hussein and his not so "supreme court" SHOULD HAVE HEEDED the consequential historical event of Sodom & Gomorrah. “Just as it happened in the days of Noah and Lot... So it IS in the days of the Son of Man”!

"The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that EVERY inclination of the thoughts of the HUMAN HEART was ONLY EVIL ALL THE TIME".

(There was not one more person who would choose to repent and surrender their “heart” to the Lord)! Genesis 6:5. The world is rapidly nearing this exact same condition of the human heart!

Just as it happened in the days of Noah and Lot... SO IT WILL ALSO BE in the days of the Son of Man!!!


"And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every (unclean and hateful "bird", (responsible for the birth of and vast global expansion of satellite Internet technical broadcasts and communications of every evil inclination of carnal thought of the HUMAN HEART the world at large).

America is truly the "mother of harlots", having given birth to the idea of exchanging itself for the love of "Mammon" , another name for Beelzebub. The United States of America is a nation who sold itself for the love of money). Revelation 18:2 / Revelation 17:5.

AS DAWN WAS BREAKING, the angels hastened Lot. "Get going!" they told him. "Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be engulfed by the devastation that's coming to this city." Genesis 19:15.

THE DAY THAT NOAH ENTERED THE ARK, the flood came and destroyed them all.…

And just as it happened in the days of Noah and Lot... So it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: It was the same as happened in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building; but on the day that Lot went out from Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all”.… Luke 17:25-28.


Pulpit Commentary Verse 13. - Sheba, Dorian, and the merchants of Tarshish were the great trading communities of the South, East, and West respectively (see on Ezekiel 27:15, 20, 22, 25).

The young lions thereof - i.e. Of Tarshish, not of the other communities (Keil) - were probably intended to represent, not the" authorities" of Tarshish, as Hitzig suggests, but its smaller tradesmen who were equally rapacious with its larger merchants.

All are depicted as following in the wake of Gog, like vultures in the rear of an army, and as inquiring whether Gog had come simply for the purpose of destruction or in the hope of trading with the booty he should capture.

In this case they intimate their wish to be partakers of the spoil This (Plumptre), rather than the thirst for booty which characterized them (Keil), their question to Gog signified; Schroder's idea, that they purposed ironically to ridicule the smallness of the spoil which would reward so gigantic an expedition, has as little to recommend it as Kliefoth's suggestion, that they designed to intimate their sympathy with Gog's invasion of Israel.

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS ONE OF THESE "MERCHANTS"! Under the Islamic administration of Barack Hussein Obama has aggressively changed the political policies of America to support Islam and betray the Nation of Israel and will fulfill this ancient bible prophecy.

Jerusalem will be spared ... Tel Aviv will be devastated,'' - Tel Aviv Synagogues are full and kosher restaurants abound as liberal immigrants, Orthodox singles, and secular Jews come together.

JERUSALEM — Shirtless Israeli men, colorfully dressed drag queens and others partied Friday through central Tel Aviv as tens of thousands of people took part in the city’s annual gay pride parade, the largest event of its kind in the Middle East.

Tel Aviv is one of the few places in the Middle East where gays feel free to walk hand-in-hand and kiss in public. The city has emerged as one of the world’s most gay-friendly travel destinations in recent years, in sharp contrast to the rest of the region. Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said tens of thousands of people took part. Loud music blasted along the parade’s route, thick with people dancing to the beats and waving rainbow flags. Drag queens wearing heavy makeup, dresses with sequins and high heels bounced along to the music alongside scantily clad men and women.

Thousands of Israelis celebrate at a pride parade in gay-friendly Tel Aviv. Shirtless men and drag queens were par for the course at the nation's annual gay pride parade. Tel Aviv, in contrast to many other places in the Middle East, stands out as a place where gays feel free to express their sexuality openly:

On a typical Friday evening on Tel Aviv’s Ben Yehuda Street, this city known for its vibrant nightlife is in weekend mode. Beachgoers walk home as the sun goes down, sandy and tanned, clutching towels and flip-flops. Elegant couples head out for drinks and dinner. Singles gather at pubs and start to make their late-night plans for the biggest club night of the week.

But nearby, at the same time, a very different scene kicks into gear—one that most people don’t associate with Tel Aviv. Synagogues in the center of the city fill up with young professionals. On Frishman Street, just minutes from the beach, a red carpet fit for a Hollywood awards show marks the entrance to The Tel Aviv International Synagogue.

Inside the sanctuary, about a hundred well-heeled men and women sing and clap in a scene reminiscent of synagogues on New York City’s Upper West Side. After services, the young rabbi welcomes everyone in a mix of Hebrew and English and invites them for refreshments in the courtyard, where single men and women flirt over glasses of kosher Cava and assorted pastries. Afterward, some head to friends’ homes for a traditional Friday night meal, while others hit their favorite restaurants or bars.

Welcome to the new Tel Aviv, where religious devotion mixes easily with the city’s predominantly secular ethos. Although Israel has become well-known for its religious-secular divide, with few active streams of liberal Judaism, Tel Aviv—long the defiant secular counterpart to religious Jerusalem—is a study in how this culture may be changing. Attendance at synagogues and religious events in Tel Aviv has been growing for the past few years, and kosher restaurants are on the rise.

Part of this reflects an influx of immigrants, mostly Orthodox and Conservative/traditional, who have instilled a distinctly Diaspora-style, synagogue-based model of community to the scene. Part is also due to more Shabbat-observant Israeli singles moving to Tel Aviv from other cities, in search of a more liberal lifestyle. But part, too, is due to some increased interest in religious activities among Israel’s secular Jews.

Today, the city boasts dozens of active synagogues, social, civic, and religious organizations. Those who get involved in the city’s religious life are primarily single young professionals—a mix of immigrants and native Israelis, traditional Jews of all streams, and some who define themselves as secular.

The trend began about 15 or more years ago with a small group of Orthodox and traditional young immigrants from the United States and Europe, who helped revive some of the city’s largely empty synagogues. Gadi Blumrosen, a biomedical engineering researcher at Tel Aviv University, grew up in Jerusalem and moved to Tel Aviv after graduating from Technion 15 years ago.

He remembers when several small groups of young professionals began gathering for Shabbat services, often organized by those immigrants. “I remember in 1998, a woman, an olah [immigrant] from England, approached me in the supermarket and invited me to a minyan in someone’s home,” he said. “The olim developed a community in the style they knew. That was new for Israel.” Subsequently, one such prayer group moved to one floor of the Ichud Tzion synagogue on Ben Yehuda and grew steadily. Eventually, the young minyan became known as Ichud Olam, and its 20 members in 2000 grew to hundreds of members by 2008.

The city’s religious involvement continued on an upward trajectory. After the disengagement from Gaza in 2005, active strides were made by some Orthodox organizations to find common ground with secular communities, and they directed efforts at a revival of Tel Aviv’s religious community. By around 2009, numbers had grown enough to warrant new synagogues and learning centers.

Today there is a steady influx of observant singles and young couples, both immigrants and native Israelis. While as recently as five years ago many synagogues struggled to find a minyan of elderly residents, today, these same institutions regularly attract hundreds of people of all ages.

And in addition to the more traditional options, there are smaller but growing egalitarian/Conservative synagogues, Reform congregations, and services that cater to an LGBT crowd. A Facebook page called Kosher Tel Aviv now offers copious restaurant options in a city once known for the scarcity of kosher dining establishments.

Employment opportunities in the area’s burgeoning high-tech sector have brought many more Shabbat-observant singles to the area in recent years.

Hebrew University sociologist Ari Engelberg classified Tel Aviv as the third-largest community of religious singles in Israel, after Jerusalem and Givat Shmuel, in his 2011 dissertation “Religious Zionism and the Problem of Prolonged Singlehood.” Several articles have appeared in the Israeli press in the last few years describing this influx to Tel Aviv and its impact on the city’s culture.

Engelberg believes religious singles are moving to Tel Aviv to enjoy the more liberal lifestyle that a modern urban environment provides and that this trend reflects larger changes in Israeli society.

More Israelis of all kinds, including the religious, are delaying marriage and family, he says. Many religious singles in their late 20s, 30s, and 40s are identified as “Dati-lite,” a term comparable to Modern Orthodox in the United States and a category fairly new in Israel. Dati-lite individuals may dress and socialize like their secular counterparts but are generally Shabbat- and kashrut-observant.

“Tel Aviv is the next logical step for Israel’s Dati-lite singles,” said Engelberg. “In Israeli mythos, Tel Aviv represents freedom, a place where anything can happen. It’s like Los Angeles and New York combined.”

Jessica Fass, 30, a web content editor and video curator at AOL and the CEO of Fass Pass to Love, a matchmaking company for Israel’s immigrant community, came to Tel Aviv from Los Angeles for a Masa program and ended up staying on for close to three years now. “I sometimes go to Friday night services with friends at [The Tel Aviv International Synagogue] or other synagogues where they speak English,” said Fass, who defines herself as “definitely a Reform Jew.”

“I also sometimes go to the Shabbat dinners for olim, the White City Shabbat events. I love the sense of community that you get in Israel at Shabbat dinners,” said Fass. “I love that in Tel Aviv you have the freedom to be whatever kind of Jew you want to be, and I don’t feel that either the religious people are looked at in a bad light or the secular people.”

It feels like “we are all one big, happy, yet slightly dysfunctional, Jewish family,” said Fass.

The trend toward tolerance described by Fass can be seen also in the fact that secular Israelis in Tel Aviv, born and bred in the country, are less averse to attending religious events than would have been the norm some 15 or 20 years ago. Curious about their roots and eager to socialize, a handful of secular locals attend the White City Shabbat meals and even go to Shabbat services.

A popular event for both religious and secular is the Wandering Jew Shabbat, which takes place several times a year at the homes of different individuals. Friday night communal prayers, often taking place on a rooftop overlooking the Tel Aviv skyline, are followed by a big, friendly potluck and social gathering. And today, you are as likely to see secular Tel Aviv Is as Orthodox types at higher-end kosher restaurants like Blue Sky or Goshen.

Even those institutions with a more strictly Orthodox bend have maintained a uniquely Tel Aviv flavor. The Deborah Hotel on Ben Yehuda Street, built in 1964, has since the late 1980s also functioned as the headquarters of an active center for Jewish learning, with a men’s kollel yeshiva and twice-weekly study groups in English, French, and Hebrew.

According to Rabbi Zvi Knoll, who received ordination from the haredi Hevron Yeshiva in Jerusalem and is the head of the center as well as owner of the hotel, the classes are growing in attendance and attract both observant and secular participants.

The rabbi believes it has to do with emphasizing the positive in teaching Torah. “It’s like a mirror, like a reflection in water. If you show hatred, you will get hatred reflected back, and if you show kindness, the same will happen.”

Knoll tells of a recent incident in which he wore his tallit while walking in Tel Aviv on Shabbat. He ended up in a long religious discussion with passersby who were curious about the traditional dress. “People are more interested in their Jewish roots than one would think from the media,” he explained.

Blumrosen, who regularly hosts dozens of religious and secular people for Shabbat meals at his Tel Aviv home, agrees. “There is a great desire for spirituality in Israel today. You see it in all kinds of things—the popularity of yoga, meditation, a vegan lifestyle, a green lifestyle. You also see it at the synagogues and Jewish gatherings in Tel Aviv.”

American society is apathetically aloof of comprehending the radical changes that continue to undermine the foundation of this once great nation, whose brave soldiers continue to die to defend a nation in the final state of decomposition as its citizens celebrate the detestable ideals of a global Babylonian multi-cultural existence.
Thou the professional, sensational production quality of the attempted "patriotic" media super bowl presentation this year was emotionally moving, the song, "America the Beautiful", a song that was created to celebrate the character of a unique Nation of great beauty and Divine providence, was maligned by talented media types who dazzled the sleepy American public with glitter and emotion, while a multi-lingual minstrel sang one of our National iconic songs.

This despicable demonstration of ignorance confirmed the incomprehensible lack of understanding by American society at large to recognize the fundamental principles that insures the longevity of National existence.
The celebration of our Nation's "diversity" of culture and ethnicity is a great thing, however it is destructive when American society does not understand or care about the critical importance of its language when gathering around a "single banner" of National sovereign identity. What's next, the pledge of allegiance in Chinese? One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all".

These are not just words, but blood bought expressions of unique constitutional values. Cultural diversity inside a sovereign nation only succeeds when there is one common language that accommodates the ability of its members to join together in the verbal expressions and celebration of that diversity.
Once a society trivializes its unique language, the catalyst of unity and communication dissolves and the ability of its members to gather itself around its unique ideals and constitutional principles that uphold its society fragment and decay and will be replaced by "others" whose values and ideals DO NOT reflect its citizens best interests or convictions.
Of course anyone who will take issue with this multilingual version of an American Iconic song, will be slammed as a "racist", since racism is THE "catch all'' indictment of obamites and global order propagandists.

This impressive commercially produced super bowl "spot", that sounded as if it were sung by angels, morphed into a subtle, yet captivating emotional experiment that carried its audience on "wings of ecstasy", with no thought of what was actually occurring. Caught up in the delusion of enlightened "tolerance", American Citizens who applauded the use of multilingual lyrics to vocalize a strictly American iconic song, ignorantly undermine the very freedoms they seek to maintain.
Any lyric that was designed to publicly profess the "UNITY" of our multi-cultural society of "legal" immigrants must share, practice and maintain the common language of this society.

Legal immigrants and natural born American Citizens must maintain their allegiance to, and participate in, the distinct national identity of its constitutionally protected American society. When National public proclamations are demonstrated whether in song or script, the acknowledgment of its national identity requires the use of its own language to achieve and maintain its unified national identity.

If you do not understand this very basic principle of survival, your ignorance and apathy will soon enslave you to a society that cannot tolerate you. Language is not an option when faced with survival; the use of comprehensive communication dialog is required. DAH!
Confusion is the fruit of genuine prejudice. Prejudice is the byproduct of the inability to mutually communicate with another human being. Genuine racism is NOT the result of physical differences in our appearance but rather originates in one culture's inability to comprehensively understand the verbal language of another.

The resulting confusion is chaos. It is only after language confusion creates personal apprehension and prejudice that the visual assessment of the human physical attributes of another human being is used to categorize those individuals into groups of people whose language you do not understand. Society identifies the obvious symptoms of prejudice rather than examines the actual root cause of prejudice. "I cannot understand you... Move away and keep your distance."
The legitimate solution to maintaining national unification of any society that is composed of diverse national ethnicities is to speak, maintain and share a "common" language. Entering and dwelling in a room full of people who each speak diverse languages may have the appearance of a superior "tolerance" prowess, however in a relatively short period of time the experience will deteriorate into a prolific demonstration of incredible ignorance, as tolerance will give way to prejudice and quickly manifest the attributes of human destructive behavior no matter how intellectually enlightened each person in the room may be.
Simple human nature dictates the moral demise of any society that cannot congeal a human thought into a meaningful expression of language to be comprehended by another human being. Confusion is the devil's playground.

The efforts to build the tower of Babel failed when the Creator confused the languages of the belligerent, wicked self serving, reprobate builders who were working on the project. Once these builder's language became diversified so that they could not share necessary information with each other to coordinate their effort, the builders disbanded their project and scattered to the four winds.

The confusion became an overwhelming irritation to each builder that immediately escalated into perceived accusations toward one another, resulting in suspicions of each other which ultimately gave birth to prejudice of one another. See how this works?
The engaging patriotic melody of "America the Beautiful" to celebrate a multicultural society during monumental public events is something that Americans have universally come to expect.

The use of "multiple languages" to vocalize this well known iconic song confirms a complete willingness of apathetic America to embrace "diversity" at the expense of logical sense. The use of "multiple languages" to sing American patriotic songs has never been practiced at major public events and there is a very good reason for it.
 These ever increasing "politically correct" presentations are compulsive efforts by select media and political types to convince Americans that such tolerance is the evidence of a sophisticated intellectual enlightenment society and to oppose such brilliantly demonstrated tolerance is an ignorant act by racist bigots. To the contrary, Americans have lost their identity.

Expect more of this nonsense in the future and do not be surprised when the pledge allegiance to the United States flag will be recited in Arabic. This is the immediate future for Americans who embrace misrepresented interpretations of tolerance and diversity. – WELCOME TO MYSTERY BABYLON -

Believers have always wondered about the destiny of America and where in the bible any reference is made regarding the existence of the greatest nation in human history. Pay attention America ... You are about to fulfill a bible prophecy.

The following description of the endtime entity is found in the 18 chapter of the book of Revelation where the ONLY nation on earth, whose intricate historical profile precisely matches the explicit details of the economic and political composition with ALL factual characteristics of that of the United States of America.
There is NO other political entity, (nation), on earth, at any time in history, that has had more managed control of the global exportation of cultural influence and economic trade of goods and services to other nations on planet earth than that of the United States of America, hands down.

He was, and is not, and yet is - Revelation 17:8. The antichrist will have ruled, but then be taken out of power. Only to rise back up again to power as the head of the One World Government. (THIS ALSO APPLIES TO SATAN'S POWER OF INFLUENCE AS WITH ALL PAST WORLD LEADERS WHO HAVE PREVIOUSLY ATTEMPTED TO RULE THE WORLD).

After leaving the Presidency of the United States of America, Hussein Obama will rise to political power as leader of the new world order. This new position will come shortly after he has expanded the so called, "Obama-Care" mandated healthcare system through the "World Health Care Organization" (WHO), a very powerful and long reaching arm of the United Nations, and impose a GLOBAL healthcare system under the same lie of so called "affordable" care for all.

In fact this system will make slaves of citizens by imposing astronomical fines and debt resulting in the perfect diabolical opportunity for seizing private property to pay unmanageable fines and healthcare premiums and enslaving mankind. Most citizens, with the exception of government officials and a relatively few number world elite leaders will participate in this, "healthcare", literally a "deathsnare" system. This system will provide the platform to "NUMBER" the people in order to "keep track" of each and every personal private data file of all participants.

HOW "IT" WILL END"... THE PROPHETIC DESTINY of the USA. The USA, Mystery Babylon's demise is prophesied. We can only hope that YHWH chooses to expose the "thief" in all of this and will not let the USA be taken down by thieves, liars. I expect external foreign forces will fulfill the final disposition of America with "fire" rather than succumb to the thief who steals, kills and destroys with DARK LIES. "And the ten horns (leaders) and the beast (anti-Christ) that you saw will hate the prostitute.

They will leave her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. Revelation 18:10 In fear of her torment, they will stand at a distance and cry out: "Woe, woe to the great city, the mighty city of Babylon! For in a single hour your judgment has come." Revelation 17:12-16. I expect that YHWH WILL expose this darkness, LIE, THIEVES for all to see BEFORE the "FIRE COMES".

Many have an opinion of the identity of the "mystery babylon" however, Scripture teaches that the final manifestation of the global Gentile world empire, "mystery babylon" actually comes out of the SEVENTH in a series of documented historical Gentile world empires and this seventh gentile empire is immediately followed by the final world empire entity identified defined as the "EIGHTH", a political and religious "Theocracy" headed by the "son of perdition", (anti-Christ).

The seventh of these empires, (mystery babylon), USA, a gentile empire that, as its predecessors, ruled the known world of its time, was controlled for a season by the "son of perdition". "Harlot rode the beast" and the beast went on to become the world leader of the eighth empire. As the election chaos continues, I expect contrasting factions to engage in physical conflict and while we are distracted, Russia and its allies will make their move on Israel and the US . Revelation 17:12 The ten horns you saw are ten kings who hate the harlot and burn her up with FIRE ...

The world government over which he rules is represented by the four horses of the apocalypse described in the book of Revelation. A red (communism / socialism), black (capitalism), and pale green (Islam), colors that are universally accepted as representing ALL current forms of major world governments in power today; with the finale horse color of white representing the new world order global government the Bible refers to as the (BEAST) - Revelation 17:14.


Yes, indeed, Mystery Babylon, the mother of harlots, is the United States of America. The United States will suffer a final absolute cataclysmic destruction of its society and the complete collapse of its economic system as precisely and prophetically described in the book of Revelation. This unpopular yet biblically sound outcome is the direct result of the nation’s leadership and its citizens’ choice to reject the fear of God, walk in moral decadence and dismiss the Divine providence and purpose of its obligation.

The United States of America, thou not perfect, and aside from the devises of men, is a nation in which God inspired its founders to consider certain and specific moral principles that were factually based on the original 10 commandments that fundamentally fashioned the constitution in such a way as to perpetuate the intent of God by its very design.
This morally based society would accommodate the intended evangelical responsibility to, "preach the Gospel to all creation and then the end shall come", with the effort underwritten by a system that promotes the process of creating wealth to support such an endeavor. The very system of economics that was spawned by such a political environment was guaranteed by the constitutional principles of a Republic that would require the acknowledgment of certain inalienable rights to insure freedoms that are indeed from God Himself and provide for the necessary gathering of resources for such purposes.

This one of a kind political structure, attributable to the relationship that God has with the people and Nation of Israel would continue to accommodate perpetual blessings for its citizens as long as the inhabitants of the land continued to adhere to the principles and "intent" for which it was founded.

“THE DEVILS’ IN THE DETAILS”: The United States is identified in a precise detailed biblical description and is portrayed as a harlot: A “whore” is a woman who has exchanged her affections for personal gain.

1. The only nation recognized as the supreme leader in commercial trade who has consistently since its inception maintained tremendous riches and wealth through times of economic crisis and war.

2. The world’s industrial leader.

3. The world center for the arts, exporting unparalleled talent to the nations. (Western style music, crafts are imported by other countries and mimicked in all modern societies throughout the world including communistic and Islamic nations.

4. The exporter of renowned luxuries to the nations.

5. The nation that is perceived by “others”, and in reality substantiated by facts to be arrogant, prideful, boastful in its’ great wealth and is reputed to be a “strong city”, city in this case the nation and or city of commercial district of the nations who will NEVER experience consequences (judgment) for its’ wicked decadent global influence on men in the last days.

6. The nation that is reputed to export immorality to the nations.

7. And most definitive descriptive proof that Mystery Babylon the mother” of harlots is in fact the United States of America is the enlightening statement that describes the "Harlot" as having world-wide recognition of ONCE inhabiting the “LIGHT” of the (Gospel of Jesus Christ) and the “VOICE”, the (Word of God) hailed by His Church as depicted in the scripture as the “BRIDE AND BRIDEGROOM”. Mystery Babylon, prior to its demise because of rejecting its Divine intent will be stripped of its’ evangelical ability to fulfill its’ purpose and no longer permitted by God to exist. This destruction will come swiftly and will occur immediately following the removal of true Believers at the moment of the rapture of the Church. Revelation 18: 4-5.

The uniquely inspired idea in the minds of men to establish the United States of America was a Good idea... Not men. At this precise moment in history, the United States of America no longer serves its purpose as its citizens and leadership have cast aside its’ Divine intent and thus will no longer be permitted to exist. Many ministers for decades have contributed to the demise of this nation by using their pulpit time and finances to promote and perpetuate the myth and lie that the Divine purpose for prosperity is for personal gain rather than the propagation of the actual Gospel of Jesus Christ. Indeed, the compromising personal lives of these individuals are a testament of the level of decadence that each of them have fallen into.

Rather than recognize that the things of this world are NOT to be coveted, and that the use of time and financial resources should be "spent" on preaching the Word of God that exposes SIN, reveals salvation in Jesus Christ resulting in improved human moral behavior, these preachers with "misplaced affections" along with their followers, are now responsible for the obvious final stages of empire collapse, laced with government sanctioned homosexual marriages, child sacrifice, (abortion) and the soon to be required new set of commandments of "political correctness" under penalty of death.

These ministers of this heresy have held captive the lives of many with the idea that God inspired the American system of economics so that men could support a lifestyle of accumulated indulgences of material wealth. This persistent teaching is an outright heresy that has led to an apostasy here in America. This demonically inspired theory uses the blessings of God and changes the “purpose” of the blessing espouses that Divine prosperity for personal gain is somehow Godly.

This teaching infects the church and has been exported to third world nations where some God fearing Christians have attempted to emulate and mimic the American lifestyle puffed by these pastors and traveling preachers as evidence of God’s approval on their lives only land these poor souls in despair rather than the “lap of luxuries”.

These reprobates who have preached such heresies are directly responsible for many Christians having lost their salt. Untold numbers of misguided Christians who have followed in the path of this heresy have preoccupied themselves with activities that pursue the "things of this world" and have completely rejected the "missionary" purpose of prosperity and the fundamental reason why God inspired such a system capable of generating great wealth to exist in the first place. These popular so-called church leaders will be held accountable by God for the vile influence that they have had on the members of the body of Christ. MATTHEW 5:13

Mystery Babylon is described in the 18th chapter of the book of Revelation as follows: for this reason in one day her plagues will come, pestilence and mourning and famine and she will be burned up with fire for the Lord God Who judges her is strong and the king of the earth who committed acts of immorality and lived sensuously with her will weep and lament over her when they see the smoke of her burning standing at a distance because of the fear of her torment saying woe, woe the great city for in one hour your judgment has com.

And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over here because no on busy their cargoes any more, cargoes of gold and silver, precious stones, and pearls, and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet and every kind of citron wood and every article made from very costly wood and bronze and iron and marble and cinnamon and spice and incense and perfume, fine flour and wheat and cattle and sheep and human lives. And the fruit you long for has gone from you and all things that were luxurious and splendid have passed away from you and men will no longer find them.

The merchants of these things who became rich from her will stand at a distance because of the fear of her torment weeping and morning saying woe, woe the great city she who was clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet, pearls for in one hour such great wealth has been laid waste. And every shipmaster and every passenger and sailor and as many as make their living by the sea stood at a distance and were crying out as they say the great city and they threw dust on their heads and were crying out weeping and mourning saying woe the great city in which all who had ships at sea became rich by her wealth for in our hour she has been laid waste. Rejoice over here o heaven and you saints and apostles’ and prophets because God has pronounced judgment for you against her.

And a strong angel took up a stone like a great millstone and threw it into the sea saying thus will Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence and will not be found any longer. And the sound of harpists and musicians and flute-players and trumpeters will not be heard in you any longer and no craftsman of any craft will be found in you any longer and the sound of a mill will not be heard in you any longer, your merchants were great men of the earth because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery. And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all who have been slain on the earth.

RAPTURE: 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. REVELATION 18:4-5

5 for her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.’
The United States of America will suffer this death AFTER Believers have been removed from the earth at the Resurrection (rapture). The nation will suffer at the hands of the anti-Christ once he has achieved his global leadership role. This “man of lawlessness” has come to hate the United States and all it represented in history. The bible declares that he; the anti-Christ will take action that will result in the nation being consumed by fire. Revelation 17:16

FINALLY: There is a spiritual component to Mystery Babylon, the mother of Harlots. This spiritual entity will be handled by a religious leader the bible refers to as the “false prophet” who will support the agenda of the world leader who is himself anti-Christ. Both figures will together control the political and religious governing bodies of government of the new world order through a deceptive unified allegiance to one another. The false prophet will control the dogma of a new world religion and demand adherence to new commandments of the politically correct agenda of the “man of sin” under penalty of death. Revelation 13:12

REVELATION 17:1-5 - The beast not the harlot is described as the one full of blasphemous names and having

Obama's hatred for the UNITED STATES will increase and his acceptance by "other" world leaders will take him to the world stage to lead the new world order. His hatred of being rejected by the United States because of his method of ruling, will motivate him to eventually retaliate against the US, once he ascends to his "destined" world leadership role.

According to scripture, the anti-christ will use this 10 world regional political system to "launch" his global new world order government. During this time, the anti-christ (beast) will take aggressive action to destroy the "political" element of this so-called "harlot". This will occur because of his hatred of her and past rejection by her.

The ten horns and the beast you saw will hate the "prostitute" They will leave her abandoned and naked. They will eat her flesh and burn her up with fire,
Revelation 17:16.

Biblical scholars agree that:

The "ten horns" is a 10 world regional political confederacy system that is currently under development.

The "Beast" is a name given to the anti-christ.

The "prostitute" referred to in the book of Revelation as "Mystery Babylon the Harlot" is a two-part end time system, both "political" and "religious".

North Africa and the Middle East are being intentionally destabilized right now, so that countries resistant to Regional Government will be forced into "Regime Change" so they can be easily and quickly melded into Supernation #7 of a 10-Nation Reorganization Plan. This supernation will be called "Northern Africa and the Middle East". Therefore, dictators of every stripe are targeted for overthrow, even if that dictator has been a consistent supporter of United States policy for many years. The objective is to remove all resistance to Supernation #7. The speed with which regimes have been overthrown in the past two months is breathtaking.

The rise of the Antichrist from the Fourth Beast Kingdom.

When the final beast kingdom arises it will begin with ten kings. Then another king will come up among the ten and subdue three kings. This king is the Antichrist. When the Antichrist has subdued the three kings, the Fourth Beast Kingdom will then have “seven heads and ten horns.” Let’s read how it is written.

The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it. The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom.

After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings. He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time. But the court will sit, and his power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever.

Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be handed over to the saints, the people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him (Daniel 7:23-27).

So, Daniel reveals that when the final beast kingdom has seven heads and ten horns, the Antichrist will be its leader and one of the seven heads.

Revelation reveals more about this final beast.

Let’s Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into the desert. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. … I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast she rides, which has the seven heads and ten horns. The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss and go to his destruction (Revelation 17:3-8)

In addition to the “seven heads and ten horns,” we are also given several other pieces of information to help us understand this mystery. The beast comes up out of the Abyss and is destined for destructi