I have heard recent discussions regarding the interpretation of the term; recent discussions regarding the interpretation of the term; "APOSTASY", (falling away) FROM the faith, now being described as the, (catching away), RAPTURE of the Believer.
But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, (NOT JUST LAW), because these are unprofitable and useless". Titus 3:9 / Proverbs 18:2 / Titus 3:9 / 1 Timothy 1:4 / 1 Timothy 6:4-5 / James 4:1 / Proverbs 20:3 / 1 Corinthians 3:19-20 / Ephesians 4:14 / Colossians 2:8 / 1 Timothy 6:20-21/ Proverbs 26:4-5 / Romans 14:1 / 1 Corinthians 11:16 / 2 Peter 3:16.
The term; "APOSTASY", (falling away) FROM the faith, is the latest unnecessary "CONTROVERSY" to AVOID. The dispute simply has no biblical standing.
Evidence of the "apostasy", (FALLING AWAY FROM THE FAITH), is everywhere! One cannot fall away from something that one has NEVER adhered to. Think about it!
FALLING AWAY, is a "PASSIVE" term and is NOT the same as the "AGGRESSIVELY" and "RAPID" implication of the term "SNATCHING" away, (catching away), which is clearly "INSTANT" "RAPTURE" of the Believer!
This scripture is clearly instructing Believers what to look for BEFORE the Second Coming of Yeshua, which includes ALL prophetic fulfillment of scripture including the Rapture. - BOZUNG.
"But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless". Titus 3:9. The term; "APOSTASY", (falling away) FROM the faith, is the latest is unnecessary "CONTROVERSY" to AVOID. The dispute simply has no biblical standing.
Evidence of the "apostasy", (FALLING AWAY FROM THE FAITH), is everywhere! One cannot fall away from something that one has NEVER adhered to. Think about it! FALLING AWAY, is a "PASSIVE" term and is NOT the same as the "AGGRESSIVELY" and "RAPID" implication of the term "SNATCHING" away, (catching away), which is clearly "INSTANT" "RAPTURE" of the Believer!
This scripture is clearly instructing Believers what to look for BEFORE the Second Coming of Yeshua, which includes ALL prophetic fulfillment of scripture including the Rapture. - BOZUNG.
But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless.
That said, we are very close to these series of events! I remain convinced that "apostasy" as stated in 2 Thess. 2:3 IS referring to the FINAL "FALLING AWAY" from the FAITH.
Consider that one cannot fall away from something that one has NEVER embraced and since the "non-believer" does NOT embrace True "FAITH", then certainly this scripture is describing "THOSE who have embraced the FAITH and have now departed from the FAITH.
The context of these scriptures explain that the FINAL falling away from the True Faith will be catastrophic and is the DIRECT result of NOT keeping the Word of God and not "allowing" the Holy Spirit to restrain the evil that is in the world, a level of lawlessness that exceeds the days of Noah and Lot.
Remember, Jesus said, whatever Believers restrain, (bind) shall be restrained, whatever Believers "allow", (lose) shall be allowed, Matthew 18:18-19. The Holy Spirit works through Believers and as long as Believer remain on earth, there is restraint against evil, HOW BE IT, prophesied that humanity WILL become predominately non-repentant as apostasy dominates those of the "faith", thus repentance no longer is occurring. THEN and ONLY then, Believers depart the earth as the Great Commission is completed.
Once the "Church" is completely removed, evacuated, "Raptured" from earth, then there will be NO RESTRAINT during the time of the "Great Tribulation". Since the instructions are directed to the Church and not to a non-believing world at large, the warning is to the "Church" explaining HOW The final rise of the "man of lawlessness" is the direct result of the Church losing its Way and succumbing to the way of this lawless world.
The evidence of this FINAL apostasy is everywhere. We have reached the moment when embracing every manifestation of sin and forsaking the Word of God. The evidence is extremely prevalent all around us and IS supported by Scripture. When the Rapture occurs, apostates, "christians" who have forsaken the Word of God and who live lawless will embrace the man of lawlessness.
Seems like today, Believers cannot face the difficult realities that we are confronted with and seek escape, often at the expense of Truth, rather than focusing on the "required" responsibility of adhering to sound doctrine and fulfilling the great COMMISSION entrusted to us by Messiah, Yeshua. "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come". Matthew 24:14.
YES, The rapture WILL occur upon the completion of the "church age" fulfillment and humanity reaches the moment when men refuse to repent and give their heart to Yeshua, which we are nearing now. This reflects the exact condition, referenced by Yeshua regarding the human state of degradation that existed in the days of Noah and Lot, when ALL of the remaining "inhabitants" REACHED the moment where NO ONE ELSE WOULD "REPENT'', a state of APOSTASY. Matthew 24 and Luke 17.
There IS a final global and monumental influx of new souls, (Christian conversions), into the "church" BEFORE the rapture. This great global harvest will occur as the direct result of massive global chaos, destruction and terror, preceding the "Great Tribulation" viles and trumpet judgments of Revelation.
A final global harvest will occur as the direct result of massive global chaos, destruction and terror that precedes the Great Tribulation judgments.
That said, we are very close to these series of events that will cause this "global reaping" harvest. "The meek shall inherit the earth".... the "NEW EARTH"!
While people are saying, "There is peace and security," then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they WILL NOT ESCAPE". 1 "THEY", (NON-BELIEVERS), WILL NOT BE RAPTURED, "ESCAPE"!!! Thessalonians 5:3 / 1 Thes. 2:9 (2 Thes. 3:8).
Only Almighty God knows the exact "day and hour" of the Rapture of His people, as this moment IS Determined by the last Believing soul of the Great Commission age! There is NO OTHER contingency to the Rapture. NONE!
The FINAL saved soul of the church age, will trigger the Wrath of God upon a non-believing world! This Truth is clarified by Yeshua Himself, Who described the lawless and non repentant condition of humanity during the days of BOTH Lot and Noah, as the defining moment when His longsuffering terminated! In both cases, Almighty God WAITED to execute His Judgment on humanity, UNTIL rebellion prevailed and repentance was no longer a consideration!
Jesus identified the state of Lawlessness and non-repentance as poecilonyms, and the KEY to understanding the timing of the Rapture. This is the reason that he compared the days of Noah and Lot to the days of the Rapture and subsequent Great Tribulation! Scripture declares that the Wrath of God is NOT for Believers, II Thessalonians 5:9.
Believers MUST be removed out of harm's way before Judgment. This removal, or Rapture cannot occur UNTIL the Great Commission is finished. Believers are responsible to Preach the Gospel, humanity is responsible to respond to the message. Once the message is comprehensively refused, humanity IS analogous to the days of Noah and Lot!
Absolute Lawlessness IS the premier sign, that the Rapture is imminent. Lawlessness has prepared the way for the man of lawlessness to appear, II Thessalonians 2. NOW YOU KNOW the day and hour!
It IS the exact Moment when the final soul of the church age Believes and great lawlessness and continual wicked and evil imaginations of the heart are confronted by the outcry against sin that is so grievous to the Almighty God that He requires judgment. Genesis 1:5. Genesis 18:16- 21.
SO, GET BUSY! Believers remain on earth to the very last soul! You are NOT going anywhere, until the Commission is finished. The work will ONLY be FINISHED, WHEN the last man, of the commission age repents. That last soul will TRIGGER the Rapture, thus fulfilling the Great Commission and releasing the Church from its Divine responsibility.
Yes, souls will be saved after the rapture under extreme conditions when the anti-Christ enslaves men and judgment brings sorrow and suffering. The day of the Rapture is a floating date that ONLY THE Almighty knows, since ONLY He knows the HEART of each individual. You cant fool God! Since men do NOT know what is truly in the heart of another, man cannot actually know the day and the hour of the last soul to repent. Knowing the heart of all men, Only the Father knows that exact moment!
Believers therefore, should be focused on the work of the Great Commission that actually HASTENS the coming of the Lord!. If not men,. then who?. How do men hear the Gospel without those who preach?. How do we preach if we are not Commissioned? 2 Peter 3:12 / Romans 10:12-15.
The Rapture is completely determined by the obedience of the Believer to fulfill the great COMMISSION entrusted to us by the Messiah and the final soul response of humanity to this Message! Matthew 24:14 / 28:16-20. The Great Commission is the exclusive responsibility of all Believers.
Angels "CANNOT"! fulfill the Great Commission during the so called church age. Galatians 1:8 -12. The Great Commission was assigned to men ONLY! When do the Angels celebrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ, WHEN YESHUA stands on the mount Sion with a hundred forty four thousand, after the fulfilment of the Great Commission when There will be no more delay!
in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound his trumpet and the mystery of God will be fulfilled. These angels declare the Gospel during the years following the two old covenant prophets, Elijah and Enoch's appearance in Jerusalem and the anti-Christ's reign of terror is underway. Revelation 10:14.
I remain convinced that "apostasy" as stated in 2 Thess. 2:3 IS referring to the final "FALLING AWAY" from the FAITH. The evidence is extremely prevalent all around us and IS supported by Scripture.
When the Rapture occurs, a global, declared "alien intervention", will be portrayed as a "cleansing" of humanity’s insurrectionist and troublemakers, who refuse to comply with new world order, anti-Biblical laws, that will be mandated, under the pretense of tolerance and unity, "peace and safety”. alien human origin will be celebrated as "truth" and a “NEW” beginning for mankind.
This lie, will underscored the introduction of a global leader, who’s ancient alien ancestry, will be presented as "divine", or, ‘god-like’. This world leader will lead humanity into global perdition and DESOLATION, that will ultimately be “CRUSHED” by the Second Coming of Yeshua, Messiah, the Return of Jesus Christ! THE SON of PERDITION.