The "INTENT" and final "version" of the "TOWER of BABEL is fulfilled in this FINAL generation by the year 2030!

The motive of the "Tower of Babel" is the "essence" of the infrastructure of the New World Order, (NWO), what biblical scripture identifies as "the BEAST ,(anti-Christ), world government defined in the book of Revelation.

First published in 2015. The REAL STORY behind the TOWER of BABEL and how ‘LANGUAGE CONFUSION” was overcome by mankind in their wicked pursuit to “reach into the dimensions of heaven in an un-regenerated sinful state of being, blatantly attempting to DEFY the Messianic provision of the Sacrifice of Jesus, the Christ.


The tower of Babel was an attempt by men to build a tower that would be tall enough to reach into Heaven itself, assuming that Heaven is far away from earth and up beyond the sky, galaxy and universe. At the time men all men spoke one language, thus an extremely effective working environment existed where communication between workers was without confusion and distortion.
The ability to communicate to another individual, where various interpretations of ideas are eliminated provides the perfect work environment to achieve the necessary steps to complete a project where success is ultimately guaranteed.

The Creator Himself said that those men would in deed achieve any objective that they set their minds to, even in the case of what seems like the impossible achievement, of “reaching into Heaven”.
How could this biblical statement be true? How is it possible that men, before the distortion of language, be able to accomplish “anything” they set their minds to? The answer to this seemingly impossible and ridicules idea has everything to do with “language”.
This statement at face value seems ridiculous until one recognizes the power of an absolute language guarantees the ability to perfectly communicate thought and is the essence of moving from preliminary methods of experimentation to the final stages of sophisticated achieved success.

This profound principle would have been responsible millennia ago for mankind successfully achieving incredible scientific feats of technology that would dwarf the achievements of today in the year 2015.

Had the language of man remained a single language, man would have worked through trial and error, perfecting methodology that would have finally achieved in depth understanding of both science and quantum physics and beyond!
Because man’s ambition was evil in the eyes of their Creator, their attempt to find and “reach up to God”, outside the Divine provision that He Himself has guaranteed for mankind, was never an option. Man’s relationship with the Creator eternally remains the product of His Love and Sacrifice and will NEVER circumvent the death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus the Messiah.

The Creator confounded the language of those tower builders resulting in each men stumbling over their words and slowing down their efforts to a stand-still. Mankind was affected in such a way that nothing but confusion remained on the job site.
The roots of prejudice were born and it would be millennia before mankind would have the “tools” necessary to once again attempt such an abomination. Confusion, frustration, anger, prejudice and then disbanding the project caused men to flee the scene and scatter to the four corners of earth.

This was a momentous change in men’s attitudes toward one another creating, prejudices and the inability to agree on matters, thus a complete breakdown of order and chaos, insuring non-cooperation throughout the millennia.
Enter the computer language era. In modern times, mankind has restored a perfect uniform language that has inspired and stirred evil ambitions to once again pursue forbidden paths of usurping the Authority of the Creator.

Mankind will use the development of computer language to restore uniformity in communication through the use of (numbers), 11101100. Understand that these "numbers" are the infra-structure of the Beast and will be used to rule the world as mankind, in one final attempt, tries to defy the Creator on multiple levels.
The encounter of Jim Penniston with this language - "The following day, back in his room Jim was "seeing" ones and zeros (1's and 0's) in his "mind's eye". Troubled by the revolving flashing images of ones and zeros he received from touching the glyphs, he felt compelled to write them down in a notebook. Jim records the ones and zeros in his notebook".

Original pages of handwritten binary from Jim Penniston's Upon completing the transfer to notebook paper, the image in his mind disappears. Jim puts the notebook away with his belongings and doesn’t think too much about again until the year 2010. In 2010, during a casual conversation with a researcher, he mentions the codes and displays the notebook. The researcher immediately recognizes the ones and zeros as binary code and sets out to help Jim decipher it.

In modernist times, it is well documented that "entities" of "unknown" origin have deactivated British and US nuclear missiles. Since this soul-less binary language originates from satanic dominion; these dimensional "beings" have DIRECT access to EVERYTHING that is operated by the binary language.

Since the entire world's life sustaining infra-structure systems operates by the usage of a binary coded language, the vulnerability of global systems that are subject to the whims of satanic manipulation has created the scenario where select global leaders are using the souls of mankind as the bargaining "chip" to enslave the human race to Satan in exchange for promised POWER and authority to reign and rule nations, a lie, however a lie believed and embraced by these possessed humans.

This human subservient condition will reach maximums as the years 2016 - 2021 progress to the end of this final generation 2030.

The "Mark of the Beast" - global system of anti-Christ, WILL exclusively use the "binary code", administered in a "NEW" biological application that will be integrated into the human body and alter the human genome.

Each human being will receive a binary code "uniquely" identifying that individual and linking that individual to the "SYSTEM". Binary systems “predating" the re-discovery by Gottfried Leibniz in 1679 and also existed in the ancient world.

A modernist soul-less computer language of symbols and numbers, 11011100 is a derivative of ancient occult secrete knowledge of the use of symbols and numbers has formed the necessary "BRIDGE" to allow satan to communicate information to "men of occult knowledge" for purpose to rule world empires.


How binary works:

The binary number system (aka base 2) represents values using two symbols, typically 0 and 1. Computers call these bits. A bit is either off (0) or on (1). When arranged in sets of 8 bits (1 byte) 256 values can be represented (0-255).Using an ASCII chart, these values can be mapped to characters and text can be stored. It's not magic, it's math!

This “non-human” and universally accepted “language” does not rely upon the “human soul” when communicating "information" and relating "ideas".

This “soul-less language” has its' origin in "forbidden occult knowledge". Satan rules the world system using men who understand this language of "the abyss origin".

This (language), that only a few people recognize, IS based on "values and numbers" rather than the "spoken word", human speech, the "vocalization" of ideas from the soul. The reason that this language is of absolute evil origin is due to the indisputable fact that it is a “soul-less language”.

Computer language is the essence of evil and has restored an ancient means of communication between a global Babel society by using an altering series of “symbols”, (numbers), 11101100, that circumvent the use of a (verbal language) that requires a soul!

This godless language replaces the use of (WORDS), with SYMBOLS as a means of communication between men rather than The “SPOKEN” WORD of a soul that was created in the Image and Likeness of God!!!!!!!

“And God SAID ... Let There Be Light”... These "numbers" are the infra-structure of DARKNESS and will facilitate the Beastly system of the world empire of anti-Christ.

NUMBERS and symbols comprise the infra-structure and system of the BEASTS' control. Numbers, NOT words comprise the language of the Beast.

The origin and use of these NUMBERS is from ancient occultism knowledge. Evidence of this has been discovered and hidden however proof of the existence and usage of these symbols will be confirmed AND revealed in the near future.

The world will claim that this discovery is this evidence of an alien origin of humanity; however, this revelation will support the “great deception”.

These "symbols" or "numbers" did not have their origin in a laboratory. The use of these symbols originates in the methodology of the ancients and was used to achieve unparalleled tasks that defy modern human comprehension.

This "knowledge" was lost and re-discovered and re-employed to revive the ancient ambition of Satan to rule God’s creation. This language IS the language of Hell.

THIS IS and HAS BEEN KNOWN BY THOSE WHO SERVE “LUCIFER", the so called "elite", who literally rule by political, institutional, religious systems that prevail by way of this ancient language of symbols and numbers. IT WAS THE VERBAL LANGUAGE THAT GOD CONFUSED ... THE LANGUAGE!!!

In modernity, even thou multiple human verbal languages exist today, men have successfully OVERCOME language barriers using the dimensional binary language in order to "work together" in a futile attempt of a final assault against the Creator and His Dominion.

Man will NEVER subjugate Divine Authority to his own twisted will. Man, in his filthy contaminated "state of being" will NEVER ascend to or enter into the Holy Presence of God.

Only through personal faith in the POWER of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ will man enter in the Holy presence of the Creator!

2015-2029 Man will again attempt, in every way possible, to “bridge” the vast chasm that exists between “here and there”. Man will use quantum sciences in an attempt to “leap over” the gap that exists between the Spiritual realm of the Eternal Creator and the physical dimension of mankind.

Mankind will attempt to become gods and pledge allegiance to a world leader who will be proclaimed to be god. Once again, God will NOT have it, and mankind will be confronted with the maximum judgment of sin, ending with the physical return of Jesus Christ. - D. A. Bozung; AKA (SheepDog) - "any of various usually long-haired breeds of dog reared to HERD and GUARD SHEEP".

15 “Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand),

16 “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.

17 Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house.

18 And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes.

19 But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days!

20 And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath.

21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. Matthew 24:15-21.

The Abomination of Desolation (the lawless one), Anti-Christ, will enter the holy place and "trigger" of the judgments of God. This abominable "event" occurs 3.5 years AFTER animal sacrifices are abolished. Daniel 12:11. This occurs during Daniel's seventieth week, the seven year period of Jacob's time of trouble",
"And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week (seven years): and in the midst of the week, (3.5 years later), he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate". Daniel 9:27
We know that the animal sacrifices on the Temple mount will commence immediately following completion of the Temple or a "temporary facility", while construction begins and is underway.

We know that animal sacrifices will be abolished 3.5 years after the first animal sacrifice occurs.

We know that the abolishment of animal sacrifice will immediately be followed by, or may possibly be the result of, the abomination of desolation entering the "Holy Place".

We know that 3.5 years after the initial signing of the treaty with Israel, the treaty will fail and the abomination of desolation will enter the holy place. - BOZUNG.

11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Revelation13:11-15.

Daniel 8:11-14

11 He even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host; and by him the daily sacrifices were taken away, and the place of His sanctuary was cast down. 12 Because of transgression, an army was given over to the horn to oppose the daily sacrifices; and he cast truth down to the ground. He did all this and prospered.

13 Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said to that certain one who was speaking, “How long will the vision be, concerning the daily sacrifices and the transgression of desolation, the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot?”

14 And he said to me, “For two thousand three hundred days;[a] then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.”

the Antichrist will enter the Holy Place "in the middle of the week" or 3.5 years into the 70th Week. Sacrifices will have gone on for 1010 days in accordance with Daniel 8:11-14 (short of 3.5 years by 250 days).

Many people are aware that the Bible teaches of a peace treaty with Israel and others will be negotiated by a man the scripture identifies as "anti-Christ", however, most do not understand the exact reason why the Word of God refers to this individual and his doomed treaty as an "abomination" that will make desolate and bring to pass the judgment and second coming of Christ.

It is critical to understand that this 'peace treaty" will be the final act of defiance of mankind and why architect of this "plan of Hell" is a final act of abomination that will NOT be tolerated by God Himself. Judgment will come upon the inhabitants of Earth as a direct result of the very "conditions" of this treaty.

The details of this treaty will uniformly and definitively deny the "Sovereignty" of God through the collective will of all men on a global scale.

This has never before occurred in history and will never occur again. It is absolutely imperative to understand that this "peace treaty covenant of nations" will VIOLATE the Divine Covenant that God made between Himself and Abraham. When God made a Covenant with Abraham and extended this eternal Promise to his seed, This Covenant promise was indeed forever, NEVER to be broken.

A soon to be negotiated and signed; "covenant" peace treaty will be orchestrated by Hussein Obama, fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah Chapter 28:15. This "covenant of death and Hell" will fall apart after 1290 days, that's 3.5 years and followed by the destruction of many Nations.

The key to understanding the seriousness of this specific "abominable act of defiance" is to comprehend the depth of arrogance by human will to openly and willfully violate the Abrahamic Covenant of Almighty God, by mutually agreeing to discard the Covenant and attempt to replace God's Covenant with a covenant of human logic that is flawed with carnal ambition and influenced by the Satan's hatred of God's creation.

This final act of global defiance will be immediately followed by unparalleled judgment and the return of Messiah.

When Hussein Obama received the "Nobel Peace Prize" award he made the following statement: "I AM at the beginning and not the end of my labors on the world stage".

The antiChrist will make a "7" (SEVEN) YEAR covenant, "TREATY" and "CONFIRM" it with many nations including Israel. In Dan. 9:27 We read, "And he shall "confirm" the covenant with many for "ONE WEEK", a week referring here to a final "seven year period" that was prophesied by Daniel as the "missing week" of Israel's completed prophetic historical record of longevity and Divine relevance as a nation.

The restoration of the Covenant people to Israel in 1948 fulfilled the biblical prophetic Words of the Covenant itself. THIS COVENANT cannot be broken by men and those who attempt to undermine the Abrahamic Covenant will ultimately be crushed to dust.

The original Covenant will ultimately prevail against the final, costly and fatal attempt to "CHANGE" the Abrahamic Covenant boundaries that were specifically titled to Israel by God Himself.

All nations should recognize that any action that might be taken to break a sworn covenant promise that God is a foolish and futile effort ending with devastating consequences.

Unfortunately, such human arrogance has always existed since the beginning of time and now dominates the reasoning of men who will broker such a deal to create the catalyst of final mega catastrophic war concluding at Armageddon.

It is critical to understand that the eventual rejection of Messiah by Israel DID NOT change one detail of the Abrahamic Covenant promise.

Believers must understand that the Messianic Covenant, (New Testament), IS the "fulfilled" prophetic completion of the Abrahamic Covenant and does not negate the promises of the original Abraham Covenant that God Himself made with Israel, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham.

Replacement theology, a false and ignorant doctrine of many "christians" has resulted in foolish men dismissing the Divine relevance of the Abrahamic Covenant and substituting the "Messianic Covenant" (new testament) as a replacement of Divine promise rather than the actual Messianic fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant.

In fact, this ignorant and uneducated attitude has been a HUGE STUMBLING BLOCK to "christians" world-wide leading to anti-Semitic behavior and worse. Biblical scriptural fact confirms that the Abrahamic Covenant promises are extended to Gentiles through exercised faith in Messiah, Jesus, the seed of Abraham, literally "grafted into the Nation of Israel by the Hand of God Himself. Consequentially, all "Believers", both Jew and Gentile MUST embrace Israel and the Abrahamic Covenant. Those who dismiss the Abrahamic Covenant are indeed fools. - BOZUNG


This place of "worship" will be used by the anti-Christ as a place of self-worship as he will be proclaimed to be god of the new world order global government. This apostasy will be a short lived arrangement as Jesus Christ Himself will immediately seize the anti-Christ at His instant appearance upon the Mount of Olives.

At this precise moment, the anti-Messiah, false prophet and all of those who followed him into this apostasy will be cast into the lake of fire. Jesus Christ Himself will rule from Jerusalem along with His own... the Believer.