
The Truth CONCERNING THE "TWO WITNESSES" of REVELATION: • ALL men, with the exception of two (2), Elijah and Enoch, experienced physical death. Both of these men will return to earth in the near future and testify of the 10 Commandments' of God to a world that has replaced the Commandments of the Creator with “Comandates” the (politically correct laws) of the man of lawlessness who is anti-Christ (against Messiah and His people).

• These two men MUST ALSO experience physical death according to Hebrews 9:27. These two men will (be killed) and after their bodies lay in the streets of Jerusalem for three days, will be raised from the dead, Revelation 11:3, and fulfill the words of Hebrews 9:27. Enoch and Elijah never physically died. The bible says it is appointed to ALL men to once "die" ... Then the judgment. Since Enoch and Elijah, under the Abrahamic Covenant NEVER DIED ... This must take place in order for Hebrews 9:27 to be true and we know that the Word of God is Truth.

• The exception to Hebrews 9:27 is NOT possible under the Abrahamic Covenant, and is only experienced under the Covenant of the Resurrection, thus the Rapture is the exception to the physical death of the mortal and corrupt body and will experience the process of putting on immortality and Incorruptibility, technically the same death & resurrection experience however in 1/100th (one and one hundredth) of a second of time, virtually simultaneously, the exact experience of Jesus our Savior at the moment of His resurrection.

• Some have identified "Moses" as one of these two old covenant witnesses. Scripture states that "Michael, the Arc-angel was arguing with the devil about the "DEAD" BODY of Moses after his death", Jude 1:9. Moses, cannot be one of the two witnesses of Revelation, as Moses physically died and IT IS APPOINTED UNTO ALL MEN TO DIE ... TO ONCE DIE, THEN THE JUDGMENT. Moses lived under the old Covenant of Abraham. The old Covenant was NOT the Covenant of Resurrection, the triumph over physical death in Jesus Christ.

• The Covenant of Messiah, Jesus Christ IS the Covenant of Resurrection. Some will quote the Biblical description of the Resurrection of Lazarus of John 11:38-44 as evidence that to Hebrews 9:27 does not apply to all men, however, Jesus Christ Himself stated the purpose of Him resurrecting Lazarus was to prove that He, Jesus has the power to forgive sin, and we know that without the shedding of blood, there is NO forgiveness of sin and thus there is NO Resurrection from death. THE PURPOSE OF THE RESURRECTION OF LAZARUZ OR ANYONE ELSE DURING THE EARTHLY MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST WAS TO PROVE THE NEW COVENANT!!!

• The Believer is likely to experience this "Rapture Resurrection" in the fall of in or near 2016 the year of our Lord. NOTE: There is a scripture concerning THIS (YOUR) generation that must be considered, “The days of our, “human” years are (threescore years and ten); seventy (70) and IF by reason of strength (exceptional health), they be fourscore years, eighty, (80) yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it (longevity of life) is soon cut off, and we fly away", (resurrection) Psalm 90:10.

• This scripture defines the length of a human generation. The scripture clearly defines the Nation of Israel as a “Fig Tree” and Jesus made specific reference to the “Fig Tree” and events surrounding the Fig Tree when identifying the GENERATION to experience His return. The Fig Tree is restored to its’ land of origin in 1948. Threescore and ten, seventy (70) years later concludes in 2018. Now the only biblical exception to the 70 year “rule” extends a human generation an additional 10 years, to the year "2028", the latter not likely.

• The Believer is likely to experience this "Rapture Resurrection" in the fall of in or near 2016 the year of our Lord. NOTE: There is a scripture concerning THIS (YOUR) generation that must be considered, “The days of our, “human” years are (threescore years and ten); seventy (70) and IF by reason of strength (exceptional health), they be fourscore years, eighty, (80) yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it (longevity of life) is soon cut off, and we fly away", (resurrection) Psalm 90:10.

• This scripture defines the length of a human generation. The scripture clearly defines the Nation of Israel as a “Fig Tree” and Jesus made specific reference to the “Fig Tree” and events surrounding the Fig Tree when identifying the GENERATION to experience His return. The Fig Tree is restored to its’ land or origin in 1948. Threescore and ten, seventy (70) years later concludes in 2018. Now the only biblical exception to the 70 year “rule” extends a human generation an additional 10 years, to the year "2028", the latter not likely.

• The Believer is likely to experience this "Rapture Resurrection" in the fall of in or near 2016 the year of our Lord. NOTE: There is a scripture concerning THIS (YOUR) generation that must be considered, “The days of our, “human” years are (threescore years and ten); seventy (70) and IF by reason of strength (exceptional health), they be fourscore years, eighty, (80) yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it (longevity of life) is soon cut off, and we fly away", (resurrection) Psalm 90:10.

• This scripture defines the length of a human generation. The scripture clearly defines the Nation of Israel as a “Fig Tree” and Jesus made specific reference to the “Fig Tree” and events surrounding the Fig Tree when identifying the GENERATION to experience His return. The Fig Tree is restored to its’ land or origin in 1948. Threescore and ten, seventy (70) years later concludes in 2018. Now the only biblical exception to the 70 year “rule” extends a human generation an additional 10 years, to the year "2028", the latter not likely.

HOW IT IS ALL POSSIBLE: A team of researchers from the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Italy, has found that the Shroud of Turin is not a fake and the body image was formed by a sort of electromagnetic source of energy.

Italian researchers in the report, published by the ENEA Research Centre of Frascati, describe their findings obtained during five years of experiments and deny the hypothesis that the Shroud of Turin is a medieval forgery.

The researchers, including Paolo Di Lazzaro, Daniele Murra, Enrico Nichelatti, Antonino Santoni and Giuseppe Baldacchini, successfully achieved a superficial coloration similar to that of the body image embedded onto the Shroud of Turin by excimer laser irradiation (spectrum of the emitted light in the ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet) of raw linen fabrics.

They obtained at least one fiber colored across the sub-micrometer depth, comparable with thinnest coloration depth observed in the Turin Shroud fibers. However, they found that the total radiation power, required to color a linen surface corresponding to a human body, makes impossible the reproduction of the Turin Shroud image by using a single laser.

The researchers also produced latent coloration that appears after artificial or natural aging of linen following laser irradiations that at first did not generate any visible effect, and identified distinct physical and photochemical processes, which have played a role in the generation of the body image on the Turin Shroud.

“Our research proves that it is very difficult (almost impossible) replicating today all the main physical and chemical characteristics of the body image embedded into the Shroud of Turin,” says Dr. Paolo Di Lazzaro, lead author on the report and senior researcher at the ENEA Research Centre of Frascati, in his interview with Sci-News.com.

“As a consequence, it appears unlikely a forger may have done this image with technologies available in the middle Age or earlier. The probability the Shroud is a fake is really very very low. On the other hand, our results, taken alone, cannot prove the Shroud is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. One should add our results to all the other historical, medical, palinilogical, textile evidences accumulated in the last 35 years.”

“It is possible that the body image was formed by a sort of electromagnetic source of energy. Our experiments show that many (not all) the peculiar properties of the body image of the Shroud are produced by a burst of photons in a very narrow range of parameters (pulse duration, intensity, number of shots). In particular, vacuum ultraviolet photons account for the very thin coloration depth, the hue of color and the presence of image in linen parts not in contact with the body. Obviously, it does not mean the image was produced by a laser. Rather, the laser is a powerful tool to test and obtain the light parameters suitable for a shroud-like coloration.”

Answering to the question on when and how the image on the Shroud of Turin was made, Dr. Di Lazzaro comments: “Our research does not address the problem of when, it gives some hints on how. In fact, in our opinion, the most important question is not when the Shroud was made. Independent of its age, middle age or first century, the most important question, the “question of questions” is how it is possible to do an image like the Shroud body image.”

“For sure, none of the hundreds attempts to obtain a shroud-like image by using chemical contact techniques – I.e. Adding chemical substances like colors, powders, etc. – has achieved good results. Usually, the chemical approach gives similar macroscopic results, but it fails when analyzing the coloration with a microscope. At the microscopic level, the contact chemical approach does not give Shroud-like results. On the contrary, attempts using various radiations (vacuum ultraviolet photons, electrons from a corona discharge) give a coloration that looks shroud-like even at the microscopic level,” concludes Dr. Di Lazzaro.